Instructions: Develop a powerpoint slide for each of the 5 items from one of the diagnosis listed below: GERD PUD Gallbladder Disease Cirrhosis of the Liver Inflammatory Bowel Disease Define and describe the disease. Discuss the epidemiological trends associated with the disease. Identify and discuss the age related risk factors and vulnerable populations. Describe the […]
Each student will be asked to share key takeaways from each of the resources below at the start of class. Information Systems – Technology – Social Media Prep Work Read this article: The electronic health record’s impact on nurses cognitive work_An integrative review.pdf The electronic health record’s impact on nurses cognitive work_An integrative review.pdf Read […]
Lab Report – detailed instructions. See the lab report grading rubric for specific grading information. Your lab report is worth 35 pts. General Guidelines and expectations: 1. Scientific writing should be concise and to the point. This is not the place to use “flowery” language. 2. Your report should be about 3 pages long, must […]
Intro to Business Online Team Project With your team, you will create a basic plan for a business around your product idea (good, service, or idea). The steps include Idea Generation, Team Organization, SWOT Analysis, Describe the Target Market, Product, Promotion, Distribution, Implementation Plan, Financial Estimates, and Business Summary Final Project Paper. 1. Idea Generation […]
PSYC-1105-60-22F Major Project – Assignment Description (20% of Final Grade) Professor L. Rivard Due: Sun., Nov. 27, 2022 by 11:59 p.m. in FOL submission folder Introduction Your major project in PSYC-1105 is designed to deepen your understanding of a topic of your choice in community psychology. In keeping with the universal design approach to education, […]
Week 5 Analytics Mindset Case-BioPhirma Instructions Internal control Test to perform and desired output What to name query/file with output if asked or print screen for template Review the data for BioPhirma Use the same data that was already loaded in from Week 3 Case-Week 3 Analytics Mindset Case Study BioPhirma 1. Only authorized PCard […]
Exercise 9.8 Read the below piece closely, compose two paragraphs. The first paragraph should summarize the passage; the second paragraph should be evaluative, stating whether you agree or disagree with the author’s position and the central comparisons and contrasts made. Be specific about why you do or do not agree, and use examples for support. […]
Critique the attached sample FNP employment contract and will review and analyze the contract according to the outline criteria: • Scope of services to be performed and population (pediatrics, geriatrics, family, etc.) • Compensation o Travel compensation o Gas/mileage o Cancellations o On call time o Bonuses • Duration of employment • How the agreement […]
A 55-year-old male who had been experiencing chest pain for eight hours recently visited the office, according to my recent clinical experience. His right arm was also being affected by his crushing, excruciating chest agony. Additionally, the patient seemed pale and was diaphoretic. His 12-lead first EKG revealed a heart rate of 102, a first-degree […]
COMPREHENSIVE INTEGRATED PSYCHIATRIC ASSESSMENT Many assessment principles are the same for children and adults; however, unlike with adults/older adults, where consent for participation in the assessment comes from the actual client, with children it is the parents or guardians who must make the decision for treatment. Issues of confidentiality, privacy, and consent must be addressed. […]