Posted: November 8th, 2022
Assignment Topic: U5 Observation Report
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U5 Observation Report (with video option)
| 11/5/2022
20 Possible Points
Next Up: Submit Assignment
Unlimited Attempts Allowed
10/23/2022 to 11/5/2022
Attempt 1 Add Comment
Objectives (Reminder)
Even more than your essays, the Observation Reports will help you apply/analyze course concepts in a deep and meaningful way. You
will be observing real people and writing about developmental concepts in the real world. It will be a powerful way to deepen your
understanding of the material. As with your essays, this will help you achieve all of the Student Learning Outcomes from the syllabus,
Substantive knowledge: Students will explore the empirical and theoretical aspects of human development from birth through death
based on diverse biological, cognitive, and psychosocial development. In addition, students will increase their awareness and
understanding of the complexity of human experience and their awareness of the variety of institutions humans construct to exist in
Effective Communication: Students will develop an understanding of the elements of effective communication by reading, writing,
speaking, and listening to key concepts, significant topics, and social issues relevant to the study of the diversity of human
development through the lifespan.
Critical Thinking: Students will have opportunities to systematically analyze, synthesize, and evaluate personal and dynamic
relationships found in individuals, groups, social institutions, and the environment relative to the process of aging. Students will
compare and contrast ideas from society, the scientific community, and various other disciplines by evaluating claims, arguments
and widely held beliefs about human interaction throughout the lifespan.
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Depending on which concepts you choose to include in your report, this assignment may help you with other Learning Outcomes as
For this assignment, you will be watching an adolescent for 30 minutes and finding examples of the concepts you have been studying
in this class. You will then write a report of what you observed. Review the sample Observation Report from the first Observation
assignment page.
To complete the assignment, follow these steps:
1. Open the Observation Worksheet that you downloaded from the first Observation assignment page. (Open the file in Microsoft
Word, which you can access at ( with your SLCC username and
2. Watch the observation videos below or observe an adolescent in person. Using the Observation Worksheet, take notes on 2-3
examples of course concepts in each of the three domains of development that we’re studying: Biological Development, Cognitive
Development, and Psychosocial Development. Remember, the goal is to connect what you SEE with what you’ve LEARNED.
3. When your Worksheet is complete, open the Observation Report Form that you downloaded on the first Observation assignment
4. Review the grading rubric below before beginning your Report.
5. Write your report using the Observation Report Form. Make sure to do the following:
1. As with your essays, do not use individuals’ real names in your paper. Use a fictitious name instead, and include a Privacy
2. Fill out each section of the Observation Report Form with information from your completed Observation Worksheet. (You will not
be turning in your Worksheet.) Each section must be at least 275-300 words long and must be made up of 2-3 paragraphs: use
a separate paragraph for each concept you discuss. Leave out information/details that are not related to the concept. Do NOT
simply list everything you watched the person do—first he played with toys, then he watched another child, etc. Instead, focus
on the concepts in your Worksheet: briefly describe each concept using a proper citation (including a page number) and explain
how the person demonstrated that concept.
3. Delete any paragraph that doesn’t have a properly-cited connection to the textbook. If you don’t connect it, don’t include it.
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4. As with your essays, edit your report thoroughly. Do NOT rely on Spell Check. Remember that the Writing Center can help: ( .
6. Check your work using the Grading Rubric.
7. Upload your report. (If you upload your Worksheet, upload it as a separate document.)
Grading (Reminder)
The grading criteria for each Observation is as follows:
(5 points)
The section focuses on 2-3 connections (with citations included) between
the course concepts and what the student observed. This section of the
paper is 275-300 words long.
(5 points)
The section focuses on 2-3 connections (with citations included) between
the course concepts and what the student observed. This section of the
paper is 275-300 words long.
(5 points)
The section focuses on 2-3 connections (with citations included) between
the course concepts and what the student observed. This section of the
paper is 275-300 words long.
(5 points)
The paper is the required format (including headings) and uses proper
writing (including spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing, indentation, tone, etc.).
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There is a video option below that you can use for this assignment. Choose one teen from the video to complete your assignment.
IMPORTANT: You MUST protect the privacy of the children who appear in the videos–their parents have agreed allow us to use the
videos for this class, but they have not given permission to use the videos for ANY other reason. Unlike Nick in the first observation,
these videos are private; they have not been posted on YouTube or some other public website. You may not share any content from
either video with any person for any reason. In addition, because your work will later be posted in your portfolio online, you may not
use the child’s actual name in your paper.
You will be required to agree to these terms at the beginning of the video. (The privacy agreement will appear at the beginning of the
video, and you MUST agree before proceeding. Because the video has that interactive component, Canvas refers to this as a “quiz.
Don’t worry–this is not actually one of the quizzes for this class.
FHS 1500 Adolescent Observation Video Option: Jacob (age 14) and Grace (age 13)
0:00 / 40:33
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Obs. (20 pts)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Physical Development
view longer description
/ 5 pts
Cognitive Development
view longer description
/ 5 pts
Psychosocial Development
view longer description
/ 5 pts
view longer description
/ 5 pts
Total Points: 0
Choose a submission type
View Rubric
5 pts
4 pts
3 pts
0 pts
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This assignment submission is my own, original work
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