Posted: October 27th, 2022
Assignment Topic: George Washington
Assignment Topic:
Research Paper over George Washington
Subject- George Washington
6-7 pages in length, double-spaced, size 12 font, use Microsoft Word.2. A title page is required. It should include the following: the title of your paper, your name, date,my name, title of the class. You will also need a works cited page. I want you to use between 4-7secondary or primary sources. The title page and works cited page does not count as part of the 6-7 pages. You need 6-7 pages of content.3. In terms of the format, you can use either footnotes or Chicago style. If you decide to use Chicagostyle, please make sure to cite your source at the end of your paragraph. Here is an example:(Smith, 1988, 33-35). As you can see, this includes the authors last name, the year the book waspublished, and the page number. That said, just know that I am not as strict as other instructorswhen it comes to formatting, but please do your best. However, if there is a pattern of mistakesyou will get penalized for it. Here is an example of citing a book on your works cited page: MaryDudziak, Cold War Civil Rights (Princeton University:2009). Here is an example of citing an onlinesource on your works cited page: Nicky Flamel, “The Mercurial Alchemist,”Alchemy 101, accessed January 2, 2018, With regard to sources, make sure the books you use are academic based and written by realhistorians. In terms of using online sources, I strongly recommend using .org or .EDU. History.comis also acceptable. Wikipedia is fine, but don’t overuse it