Posted: October 31st, 2022
Assignment Title Assignment 1: Literature Review
Level LC
Assignment Remit
Programme Title Economics suite of programmes
Module Title PASDE A
Module Code 33969
Assignment Title Assignment 1: Literature Review
Level LC
Weighting 80% of PASDE A
Lecturers Joe Bromfield and Yi Liu
Hand Out Date 24/10/2022
Due Date & Time 10/11/2022 12pm
Feedback Post Date 02/12/2022
Assignment Format Other
Assignment Length 1500 words, excluding reference list
Submission Format Online Individual
Task: Choose one of the broad topics given below. Conduct a preliminary literature search and then
narrow down the topic to a more specific subject. Survey what has been written on the topic and write
a brief literature review on the chosen specific subject.
Note: You are required to read only the introduction and conclusion of academic papers. You do not
need to focus on technical details beyond your understanding; you are expected to conduct analysis
appropriate to the first year of UG study. You must adopt Harvard-style referencing, as discussed in
the module. You need to provide a reference list. The word limit excludes the reference list.
Possible topics:
Option 1: the effect of intervention (e.g. taxes, price increases) on energy consumption
(inspired by Dr Lohse’s lecture in Week 4).
Option 2: the economic value of life (inspired by Prof Heyes’s lecture in Week 5).
Note that you may wish to wait until after the Week 5 guest lecture before starting your assignment.
Moreover, the Week 6 lecture will include an opportunity to ask questions about the assignment.
Module Learning Outcomes:
In this assessment the following learning outcomes will be covered:
LO 1. Define critical thinking and demonstrate basic practice of critique of the academic
work of others and themselves;
LO 2. Undertake independent academic study and writing to produce a basic literature
review on an Economic issue
Grading Criteria:
Mark awarded The higher mark (100, 88, 78, etc.) should be awarded if criteria in any mark band
are fully or nearly fully met. The lower marks (62, 33, etc.) should be awarded to
scripts that are above the highest standard for the category below but fail to meet
all the criteria for the selected mark band. The middle marks (45, 55, 65, 75) can
also be used when marking between 40 and 80%.
100 (93) An outstanding essay, as good as can be reasonably expected. Must show excellent
understanding of the topic and synthesis of material from a range of relevant
sources. Presentation and structure excellent with effective use of diagrams and
images (where appropriate). Reference material cited and listed appropriately.
88 (83) An excellent answer, demonstrates full understanding of the topic. Good use of
material from a wide range of relevant sources. Extremely well written and
structured with effective use of diagrams and images (where appropriate).
Reference material cited and listed appropriately.
78 (75) (72) A very good essay that includes all the major points required to address the topic,
demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic. Good use of material from
several sources. Presentation and structure good with good use of diagrams and
images (where appropriate). Reference material cited and listed appropriately.
68 (65) (62) A good essay that includes most of the major points required to address the topic,
shows a good understanding of the subject area. Good use of material from several
sources. Presentation and structure generally good with good use of diagrams and
images (where appropriate). Reference material cited and listed appropriately.
58 (55) (52) A satisfactory essay that includes the basic information required to address the
topic, shows understanding of the topic. Material may be from a limited range of
sources or too reliant on internet sources. Insufficient thought given to structure,
some use of diagrams and images (where appropriate). Some errors in citing and
listing reference material.
48 (45) (42) Essay incomplete with serious omissions, some sound knowledge and evidence that
the topic has, at least partly, been understood. Material may be from a limited
range of sources or too reliant on internet sources. Poorly structured with poor use
of diagrams and images. Errors in citing and listing reference material.
38 (33) Unsatisfactory essay with major omissions and errors; lacks evidence of
understanding. Material from a limited range of sources or too reliant on internet
sources but some material relevant to the topic. Poorly structured with poor use of
diagrams and images. Errors in citing and listing reference material.
28 (23) Poor essay but contains some relevant points. Material from a limited range of
sources or too reliant on internet sources. Poorly structured, little use of
appropriate images or diagrams. Errors in citing and listing reference material.
18 (13) Little of value, one major or a small number of minor points which may be just
relevant. Fails to address the question.
8 (3) Virtually nothing of value, maybe one or two very minor points, phrases or words
that are barely relevant. No evidence of understanding the question.
0 Answer contains nothing relevant to the question.
Feedback to Students:
Both Summative and Formative feedback is given to encourage students to reflect on their
learning that feed forward into following assessment tasks. The preparation for all
assessment tasks will be supported by formative feedback within the tutorials/seminars.
Written feedback is provided as appropriate. Please be aware to use the browser and not the
Canvas App as you may not be able to view all comments.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. You are
expected to use appropriate references and keep carefully detailed notes of all your
information sources, including any material downloaded from the Internet. It is your
responsibility to ensure that you are not vulnerable to any alleged breaches of the assessment
regulations. More information is available at https://intranet.birmingh