Posted: May 1st, 2022
Assignment: Investigating a Crime: Phase II – Concepts Related to the Offense
Assignment: Investigating a Crime: Phase II – Concepts Related to the Offense
What does the analysis of evidence tell us about the general nature of the crime, the offender’s knowledge of the location of the crime, the risk level for the offender, the level of risk of the victim, and the relationship between the victim and offender? The analysis of the concepts related to the offense can help determine if the crime was organized or disorganized. It can also determine motive and intent.
In this Assignment you start Phase II of the criminal investigative analysis process by analyzing the evidence of the criminal report from the perspective of the offense.
To prepare for the Assignment:
Review the evidence in the criminal report from the perspective of the offense.
By Day 7
In a 2- to 3-page analysis of the offense:
The victim’s action during the offense
The offender’s action during the offense
Any victim/offender interaction before, during, and after the offense
Explain any
Modus operandi
Affective violence
Predatory violence
Expressive/instrumental violence
So, what does the investigation and analysis of evidence tell us about the general nature of the crime, whether the offender knew where he or she committed the crime, what level of risk the offender was exposed to, what level of risk the victim was exposed to, and what relationship the victim and offender had? If the concepts associated with the offense are examined, it may be possible to tell if the crime was organized or disordered. It is also capable of determining motive and intent.
Finally, explain whether the crime was organized or disorganized. Support your conclusion with references to the specific evidence.
Bartol, C. R. & Bartol, A. M. (2010). Criminal & behavioral profiling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chapter 5, “Profiling Applied to Specific Crimes” (pp. 129–170)
Turvey, B. E. (2012). Criminal profiling: An introduction to behavioral evidence analysis (4th ed.). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Chapter 6, “An Introduction to Crime Scene Analysis” (pp. 141–162)
Chapter 11, “An Introduction to Crime Reconstruction” (pp. 253–286)
Chapter 12, “Crime Scene Characteristics” (pp. 287–310)
Chapter 18, “Psychopathy and Sadism: Interpreting Psychopathic and Sadistic Behavior in the Crime Scene” (pp. 447–480)
Schlesinger, L. B. (2009). Psychological profiling: Investigative implications from crime scene analysis. Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 37(1), 73–84.