Posted: April 13th, 2023
Assignment essay
Summary of the financial needs
Crafts Guitars needs a loan of $2760,000 or 80% of the purchase price to purchase a building. The company is currently leasing the property on which they conduct their business. The building owner recently stated that they intend to sell the property, and thus CG requires a place to continue its operations. The company projects that it will need to pay a monthly downpayment for the property. The downpayment for the building together with some costs amounting to $52,000 will be made using the company’s revenue. The shareholders of the company will be contributing $150,000 to the stock purchase. Craft Guitars also needs an additional $225,000 for the marketing of its products in the year 2021. The company intends that it will sell the company in twelve years and thus the marketing is aimed to help boost sales and get a higher price for the business when it needs to sell it.
The loan funds decentralization
The company needs funds to meet its operating expenses. The company’s operating expenses are anticipated to be at 1443000, 1643000, and 1843000 in the years 2021, 2022, and 2023 respectively. The operating expenses include the costs of running the day-to-day operations of the business. The business’s operating expenses will include the utility bills for the company, wages and salaries, property taxes, selling and administration overhead costs. If the lenders give Craft Guitars the loan, the business will use it to purchase a building that will help enhance the efficiency of the organization. The money will be decentralized into the various departments in the business to ensure that the entire business can benefit wholly from the loan. The source of the loan for Craft Guitars is a financial lending institution and the cost of acquiring the funds is the interest charged on the loan.
Decentralization of loan funds
The company can use decentralized lending to cut the costs of borrowing. When borrowing a loan, the cost is usually too high mainly because of the intermediaries involved in the transaction. Decentralization will help eliminate the presence of an intermediary and thus cut the cost of borrowing. The company can consider this in its financial plan as a way of getting financing to meet the working capital needs of the business. The business may run out of funds in its business and need a loan to pay suppliers or employees. This form of credit will help the business have low costs.
Back up a financial plan
The process of creating a backup financial plan involves a series of steps. First looking at the current financial position of the company, the company had cash flows amounting to $445,177 in the year 2020. The projected cash flow statement for 2026 which is five years from now is 1638328; 26.8% growth. The company will need additional capital to meet the projected cash flows. The company’s plan to acquire a loan might not work and thus the company will need a backup plan. The backup financial plan for the business will be the use of equity financing. Equity financing will involve Craft Guitars selling part of the business ownership to investors. The money raised from the sale of equity will be used to buy the building. The advantage of the backup plan is that the business will not need to pay back the investor.
This is a group assignment, and mine is part four. Please follow the steps to complete my part.
IV. Financial Statements Analysis:
A. Liquidity Analysis
B. Profitability Analysis
C. Debt Measures
D. Investment Measures
E. Vertical Financial Statement Analysis
F. Horizontal Financial Statement Analysis
G. Summary
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