Posted: February 23rd, 2022
Assignment 54
ndustrial Organization
IT104 (Fall – 2020)
Assignment 2- (15%)
Instructor: Dr. Elda Cina
Group submission: Upload a clear version of your answers to Moodle.
Student name:……………….. Student ID:……………………
Student name:……………….. Student ID:……………………
1. Name the .doc file with your ID numbers. Mention your names, IDs as comments on
the footer of the file.
2. Strictly, the submission file type should be .doc file. No handwriting solution will be
taken into consideration.
3. APA Style and proper referencing to be used.
4. Assessment submission deadline is 02/12/2020 @23:59. A delay in assessment
submission will result in the following grade deduction
· Delay of 1 Day : 40% Deduction · Delay of 2 Days: 60% Deduction
· Delay of 3 Days: 100% Deduction 5. In case of plagiarized submission, student will receive a notification email with the
below penalty applied starting the date of the email:
· Resubmission on the first day (within 24 hours after notification): 40% deduction
· Resubmission on the second day after notification: 60% deduction
· Failing to resubmit within two days after notification, the assessment will be graded with zero
6. Please check Banner for your Gradebook and Attendance.
7. AUM rules and regulations apply.
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Q1: (20 Points)
Choose one person, which you think, has been or is a leader. Identify the characteristics that
make him/her a leader. What are the motivation characteristics they use to motivate the
others? You have to avoid the personalities we discussed during the class sessions.
Q2: (20 Points)
In a short essay, list and discuss six characteristics of well-designed goals.
Q3: (20 Points)
In a short essay, define the following types of plans: strategic plans, operational plans, long –
term plans, short – term plans, specific plans, directional plans, single – use plans, and
standing plans.
Q4: (40 Points)
If the actual sales for the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 were $400, $600, $600,
and $700 respectively. Calculate the sales forecasted for the year 2021 using the
following methods:
a) Simple moving average? (10 Points)
b) Weighted moving average, if the weights was 0.4 for the immediate preceding
year, and 0.3, 0.25, and 0.05 for the three years before that. (10 Points)
c) Exponential smoothing given a weight α of 0.4, and assuming that the
forecasted value for the year 2020 was $800. (10 Points)
d) Simple Regression Model method. (10 Points)
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