Posted: October 27th, 2022
ASSIGNMENT 5: Theories of Object Recognition
ASSIGNMENT 5: Theories of Object Recognition
This week in lecture we talked about different theories in Bottom-up processing and how they work differently to help categorize new stimuli. For this assignment, we will be exploring examples of how these theories might work in real-life.
Look at the three images below:
What you need to complete by Friday October 28th:
Submit a 1-2 summary of your answers to the following three questions. You are free to garner information from any resources you wish, with your sources cited (in-text citations are preferred or a bibliography at the end is appropriate). There is no minimum or maximum word limit. The assignment will be graded out of 10. Submit a 1-2 page summary of your responses to the three questions below. You are free to gather information from any source you want, as long as your sources are cited (in-text citations are preferred or a bibliography at the end is appropriate). There is no word count minimum or maximum. The assignment will be graded on a scale of ten.
1. What can you say is common between the three images?
2. We learned about several bottom-up theories this week:
i. Gibson’s Theory of Direct Perception
ii. Template Theories
iii. Feature – matching theories:
• Exemplars
• Prototypes
How do you think you would identify the objects in A, B, and C using each of these different theories? In other words, for the three images explain how each of the bottom-up theories would explain what we perceive.
3. Which theory do you think might be most appropriate to explain the perception of each of these stimuli and why? It is alright if you choose different theories to explain each of the images.
Image Sources: