Posted: May 1st, 2022
Assignment 5: RLQ pain and fever.
Assignment 5: RLQ pain and fever.
Assignment 5: RLQ pain and fever.
Directions: There are three scenarios that will be used in this
discussion posting. You are all responsible for the initial discussion
posting and then responding to one posting in the remaining
scenarios. For example, my last name is Combs, therefore my
initial discussion posting will occur from CASE #1. I will then be
responsible for responding to one post from CASE #2 and one
post from CASE #3.
CASE #1 (A to H); CASE #2 (I to Q); CASE #3 (R to Z)
CASE #1:
30-year-old male presents to the emergency department with
RLQ pain and fever. Labs reveal an elevated white blood count.
The surgical intern tells the patient that appendicitis is suspected
and that the plan is to proceed with surgery to remove the
appendix. He explains that the surgery is to be performed to
prevent complications of appendicitis, including abscess
formation, sepsis or even death. He goes on to explain the risks of
surgery, including bleeding, infection and damage to adjacent
organs. What additional information needs to be included in this
consent? Provide an evidence-based reason for your answer.
Whether or not the intern would undergo the procedure in a
similar circumstance.
Alternative to the surgery, including receiving antibiotics and
monitoring the patient.
Name of the surgeon who will actually be performing th