Posted: November 19th, 2022
Assignment #5 Collective Bargaining Presentation
Assignment #5 Collective Bargaining Presentation
Develop a visual/text presentation dealing with the topic of collective bargaining. Research the collective bargaining procedures in your district. North Bolivar Consolidated School District (Missississippi)
You may select any of the following contracts if they are in your district: teacher, AFSME, FOP, or school maintenance workers.
1. What are the rules, steps and roles that are the basis of the contract?
2. What are the impasse and grievance procedures?
3. Who are the personnel in the district who sit on the bargaining team?
4. What is the role of the principal and district personnel in the follow-up to the contract?
Assignment #5: Collective Bargaining Presentation – Grading Rubric
Exceeded (5 pts) Meet (4 – 3 pts) Not Met (2 – 0 pts)
The assignment clearly and comprehensively defines and addresses the union contract in question. The analysis by the author demonstrates a deep understanding of the fundamental issue and associated factors. The presentation cites more than two points of analysis. The assignment appropriately defines and addresses the union contract in question. The analysis by the author demonstrates an understanding of the fundamental issue and associated factors. The presentation cites two points of analysis The assignment fails to or minimally defines and addresses the union contract in question. The analysis by the author demonstrates a lack of or minimal understanding of the fundamental issue and associated factors. The presentation cites less than two points of analysis More than two points of analysis are mentioned in the presentation. The assignment defines and addresses the union contract in question in an appropriate manner. The author’s analysis demonstrates an understanding of the fundamental issue and related factors. The presentation cites two points of analysis. The assignment fails to define and address the union contract in question, or does so only minimally. The author’s analysis demonstrates a lack of or a limited understanding of the fundamental issue and associated factors. The presentation contains only two points of analysis.
Presentation includes the content of the contract, rules, steps, procedures, impasse, grievance procedures and role of district personnel and principal with over four details per requirement. PowerPoint presentation includes the content of the contract, rules, steps, procedures, impasse, grievance procedures and role of district personnel and principal with at least four details per requirement. PowerPoint presentation includes the content of the contract, rules, steps, procedures, impasse, grievance procedures and role of district personnel and principal less than four details per requirement.
PowerPoint presentation is visually very appealing, and the design makes the message very easy to follow and understand. It incorporates pictures, text, and other media elements very effectively. It comes across as a professional-level presentation. PowerPoint presentation is visually appealing, and the design makes the message easy to follow and understand. It incorporates several media elements effectively. PowerPoint presentation is not visually appealing, and the design makes the message difficult to follow and understand. It uses minimal to no other media elements; and when use they are not effective.
APA 7 edition format followed. (0 errors found) APA 7 edition format followed consistently. (1 to 2 errors found) Numerous (3 or more) APA 7 edition format errors were present