Posted: May 1st, 2022
Assignment 4: Purpose of health care statistics
Assignment 4: Purpose of health care statistics
You are the manager in charge of leading the new data-driven
quality improvement initiative in preparation for a Joint
Commission (TJC) accreditation visit for AKT Hospital. AKT is a
ficticious hospital .In preparation for this visit, you will create a 3-4
page newsletter for your staff discussing the purpose of health
care statistics. The newsletter will be a creative approach to
presenting staff with the new data-driven quality improvement
initiative in preparation for the TJC accreditation visit.
The newsletter should include the following:
A summary of at least 2 real-world articles related to quality
improvement initiatives in health care in the United States.
A discussion on TJC and why organizations seek accreditation in
An example of the types of data that will be considered as part of
a data-driven quality improvement initiative for health care
entities (specifically hospitals).
The role that descriptive and inferential statistics play in the data
analysis process for improving quality of care. Use real-world
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