Posted: December 11th, 2022
Assignment 3: Application of Agile Business Analysis
Assignment 3: Application of Agile Business Analysis (30%)
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to apply, evaluate and resolve all principles learned in this course related to an agile approach.
How to Proceed
1. Read through Part A of the case study provided below keeping in mind the concepts learned throughout the entirety of the course.
2. Develop a PowerPoint presentation to share with your team that includes the following (Note there will be no requirement to present this assignment verbally):
a. Perform stakeholder analysis and plot stakeholders on a graph.
b. Develop a user persona for one of the stakeholders of the case.
c. The Epic for the scenario.
d. The user stories pulled from the crafted Epic.
e. The prioritization of user stories accompanied by a description of how you determined which prioritization technique to use.
f. The user acceptance criteria for 2 user stories.
g. A Kanban iteration or Scrum sprint to manage requirements that highlights which requirements will be included in the first cycle (assuming a maximum of 2 can be included at a time).
h. A description of what Done looks like for the Authentication feature.
i. An explanation of how you are being agile principles vs. doing agile in your responses above.
j. Documentation of the assumptions made of the case that led you to certain decisions for sections A to I.
3. Read through Part B of the case study provided below and add a final slide to your PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:
a. Lessons Learned from Part B and;
b. Identify what kind of reports you would recommend the team use and why.
4. Submit your Assignment 3 Report through the dropbox in UM Learn.
The Case Study Part A
The medical device company has a regulatory requirement to implement enhanced authentication to all its software. The user must provide their login credentials to access the system and if the user forgets the credentials, there has to be a way to securely retrieve the information. The user does not want to have to authenticate themselves every time they access another part of the system when they are already logged into one part of the system. The technology is web-based and the entire process should not require the user to call technical support. By providing efficient logon mechanisms, doctors are able to access the system easily and with less effort leading to a more positive user experience.
The company must also adhere to the regulatory requirement that requires the technology to log the time, date and details of every user’s access. Although the company conforms to this regulation, the policies were recently updated and the company has a 3 month grace period before the regulatory bodies enforce the new requirements. The new regulations require the company to log location and device in addition to the time, date and details of the user’s account.
The developer on the agile team is excited about implementing a biometrics authentication feature to solve the stated policy requirements. Although, there is merit in the developer’s suggestion, this implementation is complicated and lengthy and may not be completed within the stipulated regulatory timeframe. The team has not yet decided if they will implement the biometric idea. As the Agile Business Analyst, you need to perform stakeholder analysis, prioritization and decomposition of requirements into user stories and decide which of the stories will be included in iteration or sprint 1. You may decide to break the biometric feature into one or more user stories and only include this feature in your first sprint or iteration.
The users of this software include doctors, medical office assistants, and receptionists.
The doctors are not technically savvy and are introverted in nature. They believe in speed and get paid by the number of patients they meet. The age of a doctor ranges from 40-55 years and they are specialists with extensive experience. The doctors are excited about this change and are the sponsor for this initiative.
The medical office assistants are somewhat more technically savvy than the doctors. They perform administrative tasks for the doctor. For example, receiving and sending out medical samples for investigation. They are detail oriented and want to get things done right as opposed to quick. the average age of receptionists is 25-35. The medical office assistants are not looking forward to this change because it adds to their workload and can introduce errors in their existing workflow. Additionally, because they are so detail oriented they often take longer to accomplish a task and therefore they do not have time for training.
The receptionists are the front end staff responsible for attending to phone calls and patient check-ins who arrive at the clinic. The receptionists are extroverted in nature. Their average age group is 18-25 years. The receptionists are neutral on the implementation of the new features but have high influence on how this feature is designed. This is because they’ve been working in the field for many years and have earned the trust of the doctors.
The Case Study Part B
The medical device company went ahead and implemented both the features in the first iteration cycle. In their initial iteration, they did not track progress through reports. Additionally, the medical device company decided to implement the biometric authentication feature whose implementation took over 3.5 months. Due to the complexity of this feature, the medical device company was unable to meet the grace period provided by the regulatory board. The doctors are dissatisfied with the slowness of this company.
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Overall understanding of Agile Principles
Being agile vs. doing Agile Demonstrates excellent understanding of the Agile Business Analysis concepts presented throughout this course and their application to the given case study. Thorough analysis of the situation with outstanding recommendations and a valid justification of recommendations or responses. The way in which you have demonstrated being agile vs. doing agile throughout the assignment is excellent, creative, and effective. Demonstrates good understanding of the Agile Business Analysis concepts presented throughout this course and their application to the given case study. Thorough analysis of the situation with good recommendations and a reasonable justification of recommendations or responses. The way in which you have demonstrated being agile vs. doing agile throughout the assignment is reasonable and effective. Demonstrates marginal understanding of the Agile Business Analysis concepts presented throughout this course and their application to the given case study. Minimal analysis of the situation with vague recommendations and an invalid justification of recommendations or responses. The way in which you have demonstrated being agile vs. doing agile throughout the assignment is unclear and lacks effectiveness. Demonstrates poor understanding of the Agile Business Analysis concepts presented throughout this course and their application to the given case study. Poor analysis of the situation with poor or no recommendations or justification of recommendations or responses. There lacks evidence of being agile vs. doing agile throughout the assignment.
Documentation of Assumptions Assumptions made that influence decisions made throughout the assignment are well documented and appropriate. Assumptions made that influence decisions made throughout the assignment are poorly documented and are not appropriate. Assumptions made that influence decisions made throughout the assignment are not documented.
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Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder Analysis graph demonstrates excellent understanding of the concept and appropriate placement of stakeholders for the given case. Stakeholder Analysis graph demonstrates good understanding of the concept and some appropriate placement of stakeholders for the given case. Incorrect placement of stakeholders or did not complete stakeholder analysis.
User Persona The provided user persona demonstrates excellent understanding of the concept and accurate representation of a user based on the given case. The provided user persona demonstrates good understanding of the concept and some accurate representation of a user based on the given case. Some relevant information is missing. The provided user persona demonstrates poor understanding of the concept and is missing significant details for the given case or was not completed.
Epic The provided Epic demonstrates excellent understanding of the concept and accurately captures a full representation of the of the project for the given case. The provided Epic demonstrates good understanding of the concept and mostly captures the situation of the given case. The provided Epic demonstrates minimal or no understanding of the concept and fails to captures the situation of the given case.
User Stories The provided user stories demonstrate excellent understanding of the concept and accurately captures a full representation of the project as defined through the provided epic for the given case. The provided user stories demonstrate good understanding of the concept and mostly captures the project as defined through the provided epic for the given case. The provided user stories demonstrate poor understanding of the concept and fails to captures a representation of the project as defined through the provided epic for the given case.
Prioritization of User Stories The prioritization of user stories demonstrate excellent understanding of the concept and provides excellent explanation for the chosen prioritization technique for the given case. The prioritization of user stories demonstrate reasonable understanding of the concept and provides reasonable explanation for the chosen prioritization technique for the given case. The prioritization of user stories demonstrate poor understanding of the concept and provides poor explanation for the chosen prioritization technique for the given case.
User Acceptance Criteria The user acceptance criteria demonstrates excellent understanding of the concept and provides excellent detail of the criteria for the given case. The user acceptance criteria demonstrates reasonable understanding of the concept and provides reasonable detail of the criteria for the given case. The user acceptance criteria demonstrates poor understanding of the concept and provides poor detail of the criteria for the given case.
Kanban / Scrum The Kanban iteration or Scrum sprint provided demonstrates excellent understanding of the concept and provides excellent detail of the how requirements will be managed for the given case. The Kanban iteration or Scrum sprint provided demonstrates reasonable understanding of the concept and provides reasonable detail of the how requirements will be managed for the given case. The Kanban iteration or Scrum sprint provided demonstrates poor understanding of the concept and provides poor detail of the how requirements will be managed for the given case.
Done The description of Done demonstrates excellent understanding of the concept and provides excellent detail for the given case. The description of Done demonstrates reasonable understanding of the concept and provides reasonable detail for the given case. The description of Done demonstrates poor understanding of the concept and provides poor detail for the given case.
Lessons Learned The description of Lessons Learned demonstrates excellent understanding of the concept and provides excellent detail and perspective for the given case. The description of Lessons Learned demonstrates reasonable understanding of the concept and provides reasonable detail and perspective for the given case. The description of Lessons Learned demonstrates poor understanding of the concept and provides poor detail and perspective for the given case.
Reports The recommended reports demonstrates excellent understanding of the concept and provides excellent detail and perspective for the given case. The recommended reports demonstrates reasonable understanding of the concept and provides reasonable detail and perspective for the given case. The recommended reports demonstrates poor understanding of the concept and provides poor detail and perspective for the given case.
Presentation Presentation is easy to follow, slides are visually engaging, and contains only minor spelling and grammar errors. Presentation is mostly easy to follow, slides are do not detract from understanding, and contains only minor spelling and grammar errors. Presentation is not easy to follow, the visual representation detracts from understanding and contains many spelling and grammar errors.