Posted: April 9th, 2022
Assignment 2 – The New Technology and Its Impact on Accounting
Assignment 2 – The New Technology and Its Impact on Accounting
New technology advancements have always forced the accounting profession to evolve and redefines how accountants interacts with business processes.
The objective of this assignment is to survey and review various new technology and its impact on the accounting profession. You will choose ONE of the following recent technology advancements and discuss it thoroughly.
From recent lectures choose ANY ONE of the following topic:
1. Data Analytics
2. Big Data
3. Artificial Intelligence & Automated Decision Systems
4. Cryptocurrencies (Bit Coin)
5. Block-chain
6. RPA (Robotic Process Automation
7. NFT (Non-fungible tokens
You may structure your report in the following format:
1. Introduction of the technology (what is it and what does it do)
2. How does it impact business and accounting processes?
3. What are the accountants’ roles with respect to the new changes?
4. Conclusion
1. The assignment can be done individually or collaboratively in a team of two members. For team work, each member is expected to contribute equally and will receive the same mark.
2. The report should be saved in Microsoft word or PDF file. Handwritten homework is not acceptable.
4. Please submit your assignment online to the dropbox in iLearn website before the due date specified on iLearn.
Assignment 2 – The Impact of New Technology on Accounting
Advances in technology have always compelled the accounting profession to develop and reinvent how accountants interact with corporate processes.
This assignment’s goal is to assess and review numerous new technologies and their impact on the accounting profession. You will choose ONE of the following current technological developments and thoroughly explain it.
1. Data Mining
2. Massive Data Sets
3. Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Aided Decision-Making Systems
4. Cryptocurrency (Bit Coin)
5. Block-chain
RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
7. Non-fungible tokens (NFT)
You can format your report in the following way:
1. The introduction of technology (what is it and what does it do)
2. Describe how