Posted: November 23rd, 2022
Assignment 2: Agile Business Analysis Techniques
Assignment 2: Agile Business Analysis Techniques (20%)
The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to analyze backlogs and agile requirements and apply agile prioritization techniques.
How to Proceed
1. Review each question below to gain an understanding of the requirements of each. The questions are to be completed as mutually exclusive but should be completed within the same document for submission. Make sure you make clear in the document you submit which responses correspond to which questions.
2. For each question of the assignment provide the following:
a. A response to the given problem(s) according to the requirements of the question. This may include a brief summary of your recommendations, altering the Kanban table, and writing user stories.
b. Your rationale for your response.
c. Document assumptions you may have made to arrive at your response.
3. Submit your Assignment 2 Report through the dropbox in UM Learn.
Question 1
Evaluate the Kanban board below. Consider the visualization flow of work, level of detail, missing columns, definition of done, acceptance criteria etc.
• In no more than 1 page, Identify a minimum of two issues with the current board, explain why they are issues, and alter them to create a more effective board. For example, an issue could be related to the workflow and life cycle of user stories, estimation and or prioritization and placement in the board and level of granularity/consistency etc.
• Define done for each column.
• List any assumptions or constraints relevant to your responses.
Backlog Dev Testing QA Req
Epic 1 User story 1
User story 2
User story 3
Question 2
Translate the statement below to a user story.
“The cashier is asking us to automatically calculate the tax on an item. She doesn’t want to have to manually do the math to determine the tax for each item. Knowing the tax by product category will allow the cashier to process transactions more quickly”.
Question 3
Write an epic for the user stories below.
As a release manager, I want my releases mapped to different sprints so I can easily track them.
As a system administrator, I want to be granted appropriate rights so the access levels are accurate.
As a user, I want to be able to re-order cards so I can better represent their priority and ensure the board is accurate.
Answer (on the lines of):
As an agilist, I want to manage my backlog easily.
Question 4
Utilizing the following table, complete the table by prioritizing the following features and assigning them a rank (rank 1 is highest priority). Accompanying your table, your response should include a brief (1-page maximum) report that highlights the following:
• The name of the prioritization technique applied and why you chose to implement it.
• The list of factors considered in your prioritization and why they are important.
• Any assumptions and constraints in your prioritization.
Story User story Priority
US1 As a site visitor, I want to visit the About page to know more about services.
US2 As a site visitor, I want to be able to reset my password in case I forget it.
US3 As a logged in user, I want to be able to see a history of my payments on the settings page.
US4 As a site visitor, I want to be able to send feedback or report a problem using the Contacts Us form.
Question 1
3 2 1 0
Identified a minimum of two issues with the presented Kanban board and provided an excellent explanation of their importance. Exit criteria are well defined for each column; and assumptions made are clearly defined. Identified a minimum of two issues with the presented Kanban board and provided a good explanation their importance. Exit criteria are reasonably defined for each column; and assumptions made are mostly clearly defined. Identified at least one issue with the presented Kanban board and provided a good explanation of its importance. Exit criteria are poorly defined or missing for each column; and assumptions made are not clearly defined or do not relate. No Identified issue with the presented Kanban board. Exit criteria are poorly defined or missing for each column; and no assumptions made.
Question 2
3 2 1 0
The created user stories are excellent. They appear clear, concise, and appropriate for the provided statement and demonstrate strong understanding of key components of user stories taught in this course. The created user stories are good. They appear mostly clear, concise, and appropriate for the provided statement and demonstrate good understanding of key components of user stories taught in this course. The created user stories are marginal. They lack clarity, are not concise, and are not fully appropriate for the provided statement and demonstrate limited understanding of key components of user stories taught in this course. The created user stories are poor. They lack clarity, are not concise, and are not appropriate for the provided statement and demonstrate poor understanding of key components of user stories taught in this course.
Question 3
3 2 1 0
The created epic is excellent. They appear clear, concise, and appropriate for the provided user stories and demonstrate strong understanding of key components of epics taught in this course. The created epic is good. They appear mostly clear, concise, and appropriate for the provided user stories and demonstrate good understanding of key components of epics taught in this course. The created epic is marginal. It lacks clarity, is not concise, and not fully appropriate for the provided user stories and demonstrates limited understanding of key components of epics taught in this course. The created epic is poor. They lack clarity, are not concise, and are not appropriate for the provided user stories and demonstrate poor understanding of key components of epics taught in this course.
Question 4
3 2 1 0
Provides appropriate prioritization according to selected technique. Excellent description of why the technique was chosen and the factors considered during prioritization. Assumptions made are clear and appropriate. Provides appropriate prioritization according to selected technique. Good description of why the technique was chosen and the factors considered during prioritization. Assumptions made are clear and appropriate. Provides unjustified prioritization according to selected technique. Marginal description of why the technique was chosen and the factors considered during prioritization. Assumptions made lack clarity. Does not utilize appropriate prioritization according to selected technique. Marginal description of why the technique was chosen and the factors considered during prioritization. Assumptions made lack clarity.