Posted: June 22nd, 2022
Assignment 14: Nursing education and positive patient outcomes
Assignment 14: Nursing education and positive patient outcomes
Discuss the correlation between nursing education and positive patient outcomes. Include current research that links patient safety outcomes to advanced degrees in nursing. Based on some real-life experiences, explain whether you agree or disagree with this research.
Assignment 9: Healthcare spending
Baring everyone has equal access to health insurance coverage; are you in favor of government guided healthcare spending or free market enterprise?
Support your decision with evidence from the literature.
Assignment 14: Patient centered on quality of care
1- With all the main players diversified across different aspects of health care and to your point the one main focus should be patient centered on quality of care. How can or is it even possible for all these players join in unison to create a better health care environment. Perhaps it’s best if they stay somewhat fragmented as to not create some large alliance and change the health care realm completely.
2- The U.S. health care providers considered major players are the government, large employers, physicians, administrators of health services, and insurance executives. A key positive is that with all these different players, one specific entity is unable to dominate the entire health system. This keeps all the players on a fairly even playing field even though the government is a large financial presence. A large negative effect is that with all these players acting for their own best interest, it is extremely hard to capture everyone to make global changes. The ability to get everyone on the same track can’t ultimately be a hindrance to the overall goal of health care which should be patient care. “The United States has a unique system of health care delivery that is unlike any other health care system in the world. Almost all other developed countries have national health insurance programs run by the government and financed through general taxes. Nearly all citizens in such countries are entitled to receive health care services. Such is not yet the case in the United States, where Americans are not automatically covered by health insurance.” (shi & singh, 2019)
3- The major players in the health care field are doctors, nurses, and administrators, “Health care administrators, also known as health services managers and health care managers, direct the operation of hospitals, health systems and other types of organizations” (Health Administrator). Having that much responsbility tends to lead to positive and negative side of things. Plus having this much responsibility means they are the top player in the health care field due to them dealing with a lot more then the others. “Unlike clinicians, health administrators or managers do not deal directly with patients on a day-to-day basis. Instead, they help to shape policy, make needed changes and lead our nation’s health-related organizations in a way that serves individual patients by helping to improve the health care system” (Health Administrator). This can be a negative because if they don’t deal with patients then they can’t know what the patients need the most. The postitive of having an administrator is that they have the power to make changes where they need to be which would help not only the patients but the company as well.