Posted: August 31st, 2022
Assignment 1 provides you with an opportunity to explore
Assessment 1 Written Assignment
This assignment provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of models and strategies that enhance student learning in healthcare environments.
Length and/or format: 2500 words (+/-10%)
Purpose: To give you the opportunity to explore, examine and critically evaluate the literature surrounding facilitating learning in health care settings related to your specialisation.
Assignment 1: Written paper:
Assignment 1 provides you with an opportunity to explore, examine and critically evaluate the literature surrounding models of facilitating learning in healthcare settings. You are required to critique three contemporary facilitation models in the literature which are relevant to health professional education. You are also required to select one of the models that applies to your specific workplace with the justifications. Your paper will identify the enablers and barriers in implementing the chosen model of facilitation, considering the needs of diverse learners and the ethical, moral and legal issues related to your specific healthcare environment. The paper should utilise appropriate, relevant literature demonstrating a thorough and rigorous analysis of your selected facilitation model. You have to look at three modern facilitation models in the literature that have to do with health professional education and give your opinion on them. You must also choose one of the models that applies to your workplace and explain why you chose it. In your paper, you will look at the needs of different learners and the ethical, moral, and legal issues that are important in your specific healthcare environment. You will also talk about what makes it easier or harder to implement the model of facilitation you chose. The paper should use relevant and appropriate literature to show a thorough and rigorous analysis of the facilitation model you chose.
The why?
To teach in the healthcare environment is much more than just the successful transference of knowledge, skill or application of subject matter. The facilitation of learning requires the setting up of an environment conducive to learning, including the interaction between teacher and students in a challenging but non-threatening environment. To be an effective facilitator of learning, is to guide learners from a surface approach of learning, to a deeper, student driven learning approach, where they analyse, develop, create and demonstrate understanding. Hence, the learner must be supported to initiate learning and engagement with the learning process in their development as independent lifelong learners. Your role as an educator is to facilitate this process. By exploring models of facilitating learning, and identifying a model that is applicable to your work environment, taking into consideration individual learners needs, and the enablers and barriers to learning, you will have a much greater understanding of how to be an effective educator in the healthcare environment. Further, by researching and reading widely you will gain a greater understanding of contemporary facilitation models to assist you to determine an appropriate model for your work environment.
Top ten tips for developing and writing your critique of a model of facilitating learning:
1) Engage with and finish all the activities in the modules as this will give you a clear starting point. Read weekly messages, the ask the lecturer forum and discussion forums as these may also provide ‘thinking points’ and further information / direction.
2) Research and read widely, know your selected model of facilitation and what current literature is stating;
3) Make copious notes in your own words and keep to the subject matter; make a time line to ensure you complete the task on time;
4) At all times avoid plagiarism, make sure you have a good process for tracking the literature you make notes from /use;
5) Do not repeat ideas, be concise in your discussion of ideas/ points; work on flow of ideas, with systematic thought, arguments and clarity of expression;
6) Use the marking criteria (found in the unit outline), as a guide to ensure you cover all information.
7) Leave plenty of time for proofreading, edit your entire paper multiple times – checking grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence construction, vocabulary or any other mistakes.
8) Use correct formatting, including page numbers.
9) References on separate page, using APA 6th Edition Please refer to the style guide.
10) Always work on improving your academic writing, pay close attention at three different stages of working on each of your assignments: 1) when doing the reading for your assignment, 2) while doing the writing itself & 3) after you have had feedback on your work.
Tips on standard formatting of your paper:
• Word document, submitted as : .doc, .docx.
• Font: use a clear, readable, sans serif font such as Verdana, Calibri, Tahoma or Arial, and be consistent and use the same font throughout.
• Use black text
• Use 12-point typeface.
• Spacing: use 1.5 or double spacing, leave a blank line between paragraphs.
• Left-justify your work (also known as left-aligned).
• Headings: essays do not usually require subheadings.
• Title page: should include the following:
o the title and number of the assignment
o the course number and name
o the due date
o your full name and student number.
o Include the number of words in your paper.
• Numbering: all pages except the title page.
• Don’t number the items in a reference list.
• Headers and footers: insert a header or footer on each page (except the title page). It should contain:
o your name (last name, first name/s)
o your student number
o the assignment number
o the page number.
• Word count: Your assignment should not more than 10% under or over the prescribed word count. Remember that the title/title page, reference list and appendices are not included in the word count.
• Reference list: The reference list comes at the end of the assignment and should start on a new page labelled ‘References’.
• Appendices (if relevant):
o Start each appendix on a new page, and label them Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. In the main text of your assignment, refer to the Appendix by the label, e.g. Appendix A.