Posted: October 15th, 2022
Assignment 1 – Positive and Negative Perspectives
Assignment 1 – Positive and Negative Perspectives
Many people have a very strong view of unions, even if they have never been a member of one, nor have any experience with unionized employees. These perceptions are often very value-laden, and, as such, are often highly subjective.
In this discussion, you will explore the broader view of unions from both perspectives. Perspective is an important skill to have in any setting, but particularly in public sector organizations where one must serve any number of stakeholder groups within a community, some of who will be at odds with one another from issue to issue. This can be a challenge for some, depending upon the strength of your preexisting views, so try to be as objective as you can in considering this from both perspectives.
In this paper:
• Provide insights into the potential advantages a union might bring to the workforce, the organization, and the community.
o Provide at least one example to illustrate your argument.
• Provide insights into the potential disadvantages a union might bring to the workforce, the organization, and the community.
o Provide at least one example to illustrate your argument.
Assignment 2 – Public Administrator Perspectives
As a public administrator, you may be engaged in an organization that has a union at some point during your career. To succeed in such a position, it is important to have a clear view of the role you might play in engaging with the unionized workforce, if you are to succeed. This can be somewhat challenging as public administrators play differing roles. For example, you are an employer, and must be able to work with employees to achieve a mission in an effective and efficient manner. Also, you may have legal obligations to work with unionized employees within some form of rigid framework based upon a contract and relevant law. Later in the course, you will explore some of these points in greater detail, but for this discussion, you will consider the potential conflicts you might face.
In this discussion, address the following:
• What are potential challenges faced in trying to develop a collaborative, team-based environment, characteristic of modern organizational theories when attempting to balance a leadership role with the more formal, potentially conflicting roles of reflective of labor-management relations?
• How would an imbalance in these roles negatively affect organizational outcomes, contributed to suboptimal outcomes for the community?
o Provide an example to illustrate your point.
• How would you minimize potential challenges tied to role conflict in the workplace?
o Provide an example to illustrate your argument.