Posted: September 5th, 2023
Assignment 1 K
Once you have completed the readings, answer each of these questions as completely as you can. There are eight questions, and each answer should consist of two or more complete sentences. Answer thoughtfully. It might not be possible to answer completely (these are wide ranging questions), but go beyond the obvious. Effective answers will reflect the readings but will also reflect your own thinking.
Based on your assigned readings, how would you define “history”? Provide at least three examples of what you mean.
What skills are necessary to understanding the past and for writing history? Provide at least three examples.
How is the study of history different from “the past”?
Understanding the history of the recent past may be more difficult than understanding the more distant past? Do you agree or disagree with this idea and why?
Although American history books tend to focus on the role of the United States in defeating the Nazis, the Soviet Union played a far more significant role in the destruction of the Nazi state. Your response should contain at least three statements of supporting evidence.
The Percentages Agreement was never formally adopted as a binding treaty, but it proved to be prescient in its description of how influence in post-War Europe would be shared by the victorious powers. You will need to define the Percentages Agreement, what it stated, and who made it, as well as providing at least three examples of how the plan agreed to came to pass.
Although Japan was unable to maintain its position as master of Asia and the Pacific, Japan’s victories over colonial powers in Asia made it inevitable that these powers would not be able to retain their colonial possessions long after the War ended. Provide at least three examples to support your argument.
The Second World War was essentially a conflict over ideologies as much as it was over control of land and people. Provide at least three examples to support your argument.