Posted: May 1st, 2022
Assignment 1: Application – PICO Analysis of Dementia, Delirium, and Depression
Assignment 1: Application – PICO Analysis of Dementia, Delirium, and Depression.
The first assignment is an application called the PICO Analysis of Dementia, Delirium, and Depression.
Using a PICO analysis, you can ask a specific clinical question and discover the most relevant and appropriate evidence-based answers. Patient or population (P), anticipated intervention (I), comparison group or current standard (C), and desired outcome (O) should all be included in the PICO question formulation (O). In this Assignment, you will develop a question that is related to dementia, delirium, or depression, among other things. You conduct a PICO analysis in order to investigate various resources and current evidence in order to answer the question you have developed.
In order to prepare for the assignment: Analysis of Dementia Using the PICO Method:
Choose one of the following disorders as the focus of your research: dementia, delirium, or depression (see list below).
Examine the “Literature Review Matrix” document in this week’s Learning Resources for guidelines on how to conduct a literature review.
Consider a research question that revolves around your issue, as outlined in Part I: PICO Analysis of Research Topic (see below).
Consider the resources you will use, the search terms and criteria you will use, and the Boolean search strings you will use, all of which are detailed in Part II: Search Strategies.
Locate five articles that are related to your PICO question using the Walden Library and other appropriate databases, if possible. A systematic review must be included in at least one of the articles. Primary sources should be used in all of the articles.
Consider the five articles you selected for Part III: Analysis of Literature and write a reflection on them. Think about the conceptual framework/theory, the main finding, the research method, the strengths and weaknesses of the study, and the level of evidence for each article.
Make a plan for how you will use the summaries from Part III to construct an evidence table. Employing the information in this evidence table, determine the most appropriate treatment options for patients who present with the disorder you chose as your topic.
To complete this assignment, you must first complete the PICO Analysis of Dementia:
As indicated in Part I: PICO Analysis of Research Topic: Formulation of a Question, formulate a question centered on the disorder you selected.
Identify the resources you intend to use, search terms and criteria, and Boolean search strings in accordance with the recommendations in Part II: Search Strategy.
Write a synopsis of the five articles you chose to read as part of Part III: Analysis of Literature (see below). For each article, describe the conceptual framework/theory, the main finding, the research method, the study’s strengths and weaknesses, and the level of evidence that was used.
Create an evidence table based on the summaries of the articles in Part III of this document. Describe the appropriate treatment options for patients in light of the evidence presented in this table.
Week 6 has reached its seventh day.
The deadline for this assignment has passed.
Information on submitting work and receiving a grade
Please complete the following steps in order to submit your completed Assignment for review and grading:
It is recommended that you save your Assignment with the following naming convention: “WK6Assgn1+lastname+first initial.”
To begin Week 6 Assignment 1, go to the link provided.
Then, in the Attach File section, select Browse My Computer from the drop-down menu. Locate the document you saved with the name “WK6Assgn1+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click on it to open it. Continue until all of your files have been attached if you are submitting multiple files at once.
To submit your submission, click on the Submit button to the right.
Week 7’s homework assignment SOAP Notes for Week 7 Practicum: Assignment No. 1
Select a geriatric patient who has been seen by you in the last four weeks for examination. The patient you choose should be taking at least five prescription and/or over-the-counter medications at the time of your visit. Please include the following information in your SOAP Note to this patient.
What was the patient’s subjective complaint, and how did it manifest itself? Is it known what information the patient provided about his or her personal and medical history? List all prescription and over-the-counter medications that the patient is currently taking in the patient’s file. Compare this list to the Beers Criteria and, if necessary, look into alternative medications that may be available.
When conducting the physical assessment, what were your main observations and conclusions? On what types of functional assessments did you base your decision?
Evaluation: What were your possible differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three different possible diagnoses for each patient. List them in order of importance, starting with the highest and ending with the lowest.
Plan: What was your strategy for diagnosing and treating the primary diagnosis? What was your treatment and management strategy, including any alternative therapies, in place? When it comes to the patient, what is your plan of action? What methods would you use to provide caregiver assistance?
Observational notes: What aspects of the patient evaluation would you do differently in the future? What ways might you be able to improve your assessment, diagnosis, and/or treatment plan by working with other professionals?
If you need help writing SOAP Notes, look no further than the resources provided in Week 3 of the course.
Week 7 had begun on Day 7 of the week.
The deadline for this assignment has passed. You must turn in this Week 7 SOAP Note, as well as your Journal Entries (from Weeks 5 and 6), by Day 7 of Week 7 in order to receive credit (this week).
Please make sure that you submit your Assignment to the appropriate submission link listed below before continuing.
Submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:
Week 7 SOAP (Short Term Affective Disorder) Please submit your Week 7 Assignment – Part 1 submission to the link provided.
Complete and submit the Weeks 5 and 6 Journal Entry submission link, which is located on the Week 7 Assignment – Part 2 submission page.
During the journal entries assessment, which is graded as either satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U), the numerical grade will be displayed as 0 points, and the letter “S” or “U” will be posted in the Feedback area by your Instructor. These 0 point scores have no bearing on your grade; they are simply used as a placeholder for the “S” or “U” scores that will be assigned later. Similarly, Weeks 4 and 10 are covered by this concept.
Information on submitting work and receiving a grade
Please complete the following steps in order to submit your completed Assignment for review and grading:
We ask that you save your Assignment with the following naming convention: WK7AssgnPX plus your last name plus your initial.
Select the Assignment Week 7 – Part X link from the drop-down menu.
Then, in the Attach File section, select Browse My Computer from the drop-down menu. Locate the document you saved with the name “WK7AssgnPX+last name+first initial. (extension)” and click on it to open it. Continue until all of your files have been attached if you are submitting multiple files at once.