Posted: May 1st, 2022
Assigned to examine the nursing philosophy of Florence
Assignment And Class Discussion 5
Assignment And Class Discussion 5
Assigned to examine the nursing philosophy of Florence
Nightingale. In this discussion, you must accomplish the following:
Use Nightingale’s philosophy of nursing to consider the
interventions you would use for the patient described in the
following scenario:
A 35-year-old woman presents to the emergency room by herself
complaining of acute onset right lower quadrant abdominal pain
and nausea: She has vomited 3 times. Her color is ashen, her oral
temperature is 99.2, her pulse is 118 beats per minutes, her
respirations are 24 breaths/minute, and her blood pressure is
90/50- mm/Hg. She is diagnosed with a ruptured right ovarian
In considering this scenario, be sure to provide a rationale for your
actions/interventions recommended based specifically on
Nightingale’s philosophy. See discussion board rubric attached.
See attached document for discussion rubric.
(B) Assignment Instructions.
The purpose of this assignment is to stimulate thinking about how
specific care might be approached using the Roy Adaptation
Model as a framework for practice.