Posted: October 15th, 2022
Assigmen # 5
Assigmen # 5
The purpose of this assignment is to explain the importance of each phase of a system life cycle and the major stakeholder roles in a new system implementation. This assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of achievement of: Selection of basic project management tools and a detailed communication plan.
• Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper
o Student’s name
o Program
o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
• Introduction
• Body of paper
• Reference page
Include a minimum of three scholarly resources, other than the textbook and other course resources, to support your response.
A website will only be counted as one resource.
• Your healthcare organization’s strategic plan includes the replacement of the information system currently in place for the electronic health record in the hospital and associated provider offices.
• Please note: Life cycle of a system and NOT life cycle of a software. Be careful you do not focus on software.
• Include an introduction.
• What is your topic and what are you going to address in the presentation.
• The system life cycle process and the role of employees in each stage of the process.
• Identify the process, explain the process steps and how employees are engaged in each step. Key is what is the employe role in each step. The role will change by each step.
• The identification and roles of at least five internal stakeholders employed by the practice.
• Identify the stakeholders by role and define how that role contributes to the life cycle process- why are they important to the process. A table is good for this. Note: Patients are not employed by the practice.
• Identify the major stakeholders and why their role is important to the project
• Once you identified the stakeholders there will be some that have more sway in the project than others- they are the major or power stakeholders. Identify which stakeholders are your major stakeholders and define why. Do not include the government nor insurance companies.
• Explain the purpose of a minimum of four key project management tools planned for the project. (See the hints for project tools link.) Word, Excel, Power Point, Teams are not examples of Project management tools.
• Project Management Tools:
• Consider the following tools (not exclusive):
• Scope
• Metrics to determine project success
• Gantt charts
• Budget
• Critical pathway
• Risks
Develop a Communication Plan for the Project:
• Provide a specific, detailed plan with identified tasks and answer the “who, what, when, where, why, and how”. (A table is good for this. Review the information above on the how and what to include.) Do not define what a communication plan is but develop the actual communication plan. You want a specific, detailed plan, not definitions and vague concepts. You need to include in your communication plan:
• Identified tasks
• Think Who, what, when, why and how.
• Include the conclusion summarizing the topic and key points. See the grading rubric.
• References
• These should be in APA 7th edition format
• I shared a file with common examples.
• The Writing Center has APA7th edition resources
• The system life cycle process and the role of employees in the process.