Posted: October 14th, 2022
Assessment Task 7: Case StudyReport
Case Study Report Information
Assessment Task 7: Case StudyReport (25%)
Students are to develop and describe a small case study to extend upon and integrate their knowledge in the anatomy and physiology related to their case study topic. Case study topics should represent a disease/pathology or a lifestyle choice (dietary choice or exercise regime) where a disruption to homeostasis can occur. The case study developed should be based in an area that best fits students’ interests and career goals.
In your written assignment, you must identify and discuss the normal anatomy and physiology of at least 2-3 body systems (or specific components of the body system(s)), clearly outlining the relevance to the case study.
Secondly, your report will focus on the homeostatic mechanisms within each body system/component and how these integrate (influence one another) relative to your case study. Finally, you should focus on the anatomical and physiological adaptations that are likely to occur, both acutely and chronically. Second, in relation to your case study, your report will focus on the homeostatic mechanisms within each body system/component and how these integrate (influence one another). Finally, consider the anatomical and physiological adaptations that are likely, both acutely and chronically.
– Topic is relevant and report is dearly/concisely written and addresses all necessary points indicated in the marking rubric (provided on Moodle by Week 2).
Graphical inclusions, such as images and flow charts, can be used and will not contribute to word count, but should not represent a substantial component of the report.
NB: An example of a body system is the cardiovascular system, while a specific component is the aorta. You do not need to focus on the whole system if your case study is more suited to a specific component.
Students should ensure to address each of the following points in the report, as well as refer to the specific Marking Rubric provided on Moodle:
– Report is a maximum of 1000 words.
– Includes a concise explanation of normal anatomical/physiological function and homeostatic mechanisms, relative to the systems/components in question (approximately 200 words).
– Clearly explains a specific case study that results in physiological/homeostatic dysfunction related to a number of integrated body systems/components. This should be the focus of the report where students demonstrate an understanding of how physiological/homeostatic dysfunction impacts the integration of a number of body systems/component’s, relative to normal function (approximately 700 words).
– Describe any anatomical/physiological adaptations (positive or negative, acute or chronic) that may occur in response to the homeostatic disruption (approximately 100 words).
– Include any relevant diagrams, images, etc that relate to the case study that assist with explaining system function/dysfunction.