Posted: August 9th, 2022
Assessment Subject Specialist Written Assignment PM1001
PM1001 Assignment
Student Assessment Brief
Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………. UNIC ID: ………………………
UNIC Programme of
Module Title Applied Concepts
Module Code PM1001
Credit Value 20
Title of Assessment Subject Specialist Written Assignment
Date of Issue 31/05/22
Date of Submission 12/08/22
Learning Outcomes within assessment
Code Description
A.1 Demonstrate ability to undertake all the key activities involved when producing a
written piece of work for submission at Postgraduate level.
B.1 Evaluate capabilities when involved with research and writing.
B.2 Collect, record, collate and analyse data using established techniques where
applicable, on an individual and in a group scenario.
B.3 Plan and execute in a competent manner, oral and written works appropriate to the
discipline and level being studied.
B.4 Make full use of library and e-learning search (catalogue and bibliographic) resources.
B.5 Ability to effectively retain and communicate knowledge and understanding of topics
covered in the module in a comprehensive manner under timed conditions without
re-course to learning aids.
Weighting 100% Pass Mark 50%
Grade Mark Criteria
A 70% – 100%
(24.5 – 35)
Distinctive level of knowledge, skill and understanding which
demonstrates an authoritative grasp of the concepts and principles and
ability to communicate them in relation to the assessment event without
plagiarism or collusion. Indications of originality in application of ideas,
graphical representations, personal insights reflecting depth and
confidence of understanding of issues raised in the assessment event. Unique level of knowledge, skills, and understanding that shows an authoritative grasp of the concepts and principles and the ability to explain them in relation to the assessment event without plagiarism or collusion. Originality in how ideas are used, graphical representations, and personal insights that show how well you understand the issues brought up in the assessment event.
B 60% – 69%
Level of competence demonstrating a coherent grasp of knowledge, skill
and understanding of the assessment and ability to communicate them
effectively without plagiarism or collusion. Displays originality in
interpreting concepts and principles. The work uses graphs and tables to
illustrate answers where relevant. Ideas and conclusions are expressed
clearly. Many aspects of the student’s application and result can be
• Print out your own work.
• Complete your Assignment and Student Assessment brief Cover Sheet which is available on
the Students Portal.
• Fill in all necessary information on this form.
• Bring your completed student assessment brief attached to a copy of your work to the UNIC
reception area where you will receive a receipt for your work. Keep this receipt safe as this is
evidence that you have submitted the work
• Submit your assignment and cover sheet via the UNIC student portal before the coursework
• Please note that Student Services are not able to check/read over your work for you – this is
your responsibility.
Turnitin is an essential tool to use when submitting assessments. It is a web-based plagiarism
detection tool. It searches the current and archived internet, subscription services and papers
submitted to identify any similarities between texts.
Your teacher will inform you of your coursework submission deadline in advance, this is also outlined
on the Student Assessment brief. This should be noted and adhered to. On finding out your deadline
make sure you plan your time effectively such as research, write up and review of your work. Once
you are happy with your work you can hand it in any time before the given deadline. Please
remember this isn’t a race but also leaving your project/assignment till the night before the deadline
is not recommended practice.
Missing a Deadline
We strictly enforce deadlines and any work received after your given deadline will incur a penalty. If
your course work is submitted no more than 10 days after the agreed deadline then you will be
capped at the module pass mark. This mean the maximum grade you can get is a pass and you may
receive limited feedback from your lecturer.
For this assessment you will have to produce an individual written assignment (in the form of a
report or essay) focusing on a topic within your area of study. The essay or report has a maximum
word limit of 3000 words. You will also need to provide a 500 word reflective piece of writing in an
appendix at the end of your assignment. It is essential that both parts of the assignment are
attempted and that you provide evidence of academically based reasoning in your work.
Task 1
You must produce a 3000 word written assignment which will be worth 80% of the overall
assessment marks. You must develop ONE title based on your subject specialism. This must be
agreed with your Academic Teacher. Subject specialism may include:
1. Business
2. Management
3. Law
4. Logistics
5. Accounting and finance
6. Marketing
Please bear in mind the general requirements of essay/ report writing. The first of these is that you
develop a clear overall structure to your assignment which addresses your question. The second is
that in drawing conclusions you build on relevant supporting arguments and evidence. Also, make
sure your essay/ report is presented in a format appropriate to (postgraduate) academic study, for
example ensuring that Harvard referencing (University of Northampton) is used throughout.
This tasks meets/provides evidence for Learning Outcome (s) A1, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C3, D2,
and D4.
Task 2
You are to write a 500 word reflective piece which considers the process which you have undertaken
to complete the assignment within the wider context of learning on the Pre Masters programme.
This will be worth 20% of the overall assessment marks.
This tasks meets/provides evidence for Learning Outcome (s) A1, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C3, D1,
and D3.
Marking criteria for written assignment and reflective piece:
Task 1 – written assignment (80% of overall mark)
Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 5
80 marks
Includes definitions and relevant background information
Clear and appropriate research/essay question
Body Paragraphs
Contains topic sentences
Claims supported by evidence and reasoning
Appropriate discussion and evaluation
Summarises main points
Provides clear, logical conclusion
Concrete and comprehensive research is demonstrated
Consistently relevant to demands of title
Demonstrates depth of understanding about topic
Effective use of summary, paraphrase and direct quotations
Correct use of citations and reference list/bibliography for
appropriate sources used
Conforms with formatting guidelines
Appropriate spelling, grammar and punctuation
Appropriate use of transition signals to support structure
Correct and consistent verb tense
Task 2 – reflective writing (20% of overall mark)
Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 5
20 marks
Appropriate spelling, grammar and punctuation
Writing is in an appropriate style
Use of evidence of examples to illustrate your reflections
Frameworks have been used to aid the reflective process
Suggested Reading & sources of support:
Bailey, S. (2014) Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students. 3rd Edition. Abingdon:
Routledge. Peck, J. and Coyle M. (2005) The Student’s Guide to Writing. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan. Swales J.M. and Feak C.B. (2012) Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Skills
and Tasks. 3rd Edition. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press. Wallace M. and Wray A. (2016)
Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduate Students. 3rd Edition. London: Sage Publication
Marking and Feedback Form
Task Learning Outcome Assessed Marks
Areas for Development
Assessed Grade: Assessed Mark: FINAL MARK:
First Marker’s signature: …………………………………………………………. Date: …………
Internal Moderator’s signature ………………………………………………… Date: …………
External Moderator’s signature ……………………………………………… .. Date: ……..
Assessment Feedback – Appropriate grade band to be identified for all four areas
GRADE BAND 100-70 (A) 69-60 (B) 59-50 (C) 49 – 40 (D) 39 – 0 (F)
Knowledge and
Clearly demonstrates a
sophisticated, critical and
thorough understanding
of the topic.
Clearly demonstrates a
well-developed, critical
and comprehensive
understanding of the
Demonstrates a
systematic and
understanding of the
Provides evidence of a
understanding of the key
aspects of the topic.
Provides evidence of
some understanding of
key aspects of the topic
and some ability to
present an appropriate
argument or solution at
the current Level.
Work that is
Analysis Provides evidence of
independence of thought
and clearly demonstrates
the ability to develop a
highly systematic and
logical or insightful
argument, solution or
evaluation at the current
Provides some evidence
of independence of
thought and clearly
demonstrates the ability
to develop a systematic
and logical or insightful
argument, solution or
evaluation at the current
Demonstrates the ability
to develop a systematic
argument or solution at
the current Level.
Demonstrates the ability
to present a sufficiently
structured argument or
solution at the current
Demonstrates some
competence in the
appropriate use of the
relevant literature,
theory, methodologies,
practices, tools, etc at
the current Level.
Work that is
Use of source material Demonstrates excellence
in the appropriate use of
the relevant literature,
theory, methodologies,
practices, tools, etc., to
analyse and synthesise at
the current Level
Demonstrates a high
degree of competence in
the appropriate use of
the relevant literature,
theory, methodologies,
practices, tools, etc., to
analyse and synthesise at
the current Level.
Demonstrates a
significant degree of
competence in the
appropriate use of the
relevant literature,
theory, methodologies,
practices, tools, etc., to
analyse and synthesise at
the current Level.
Demonstrates an
acceptable degree of
competence in the
appropriate use of the
relevant literature,
theory, methodologies,
practices, tools, etc., to
analyse and synthesise at
the current Level.
Demonstrates some
degree of competence in
the appropriate use of
the relevant literature,
theory, methodologies,
practices, tools, etc., to
analyse and synthesise at
the current Level.
Work that is
Communication Shows a high level of
clarity, focus and
cogency in
communication at the
current Level.
Shows clarity, focus and
cogency in
communication at the
current Level.
Provides evidence of
clarity and focus in
communication at the
current Level.
Provides evidence of
effective communication
at the current Level.
Provides some evidence
of effective
communication at the
current Level.
Work that is