Posted: September 5th, 2023
Assessment criteria for BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes
Assessment criteria for BSBHRM506
Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes
In this document, you will find the foundation of what is required to become competent in this unit. For further information on each element, you can refer to the Assessment Matrix. Included in this document are the elements for the unit, foundation skills, assessment requirements as well as an assessment tool definition list and the crucial observation and third-party check lists. As well as all the areas covered here, each student must also complete all workbook activities, case studies and major activities, where stated, to become competent within this unit.
NOTE – Re-assessment:
Students will have amaximum of two (2) reassessments attempts if competency is not achieved in the first instance.
The final grade of ‘C’ for Competent or ‘NC’ for Not Competent is only given at the completion of the unit of competency when all components or parts of the assessment are graded as ‘S’ for Satisfactory. Unsatisfactory results are marked as NS.
Elements for Competency Demonstration
Elements for Competency Assessment:
1. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures
2. Recruit and select staff
3. Manage staff induction
Performance Evidence:
Evidence of the ability to:
? Develop or critically analyse a policy and procedures framework for recruitment, selection and induction
? Identify the need for recruitment
? Prepare and oversee appropriate documentation required for recruitment
? Select and advise job applicants appropriately
? Manage the induction process
? Comply with relevant legislation and organisational requirements
Foundation Skills:
? Critically evaluates and applies content from a range of complex texts to determine legislative and business requirements
? Demonstrates clear writing skills by selecting appropriate conventions and to express precise meaning relevant to context and audience
Oral communication
? Draws on a repertoire of open questioning and active listening when seeking feedback from others
? Uses appropriate terminology and non-verbal features to present information and clarify understanding
? Analyses numerical information to determine employees’ remuneration packages
? Makes basic calculations to ensure work output is delivered in a timely manner
Navigate the world of work
? Understands and adheres to relevant organisational policies and procedures
? Develops or updates organisational policies to meet organisational objectives
? Considers own role in terms of its contribution to broader goals of work environment
Interact with others
? Seeks expert advice and skills training where required
? Selects appropriate mode of communication for a specific purpose relevant to own role
? Uses effective communication skills to liaise with a range of people across the organisation
Get the work done
? Plans and implements tasks required to deliver timely outcomes, negotiating some key aspects with others
? Monitors implementation of plans and adjusts as necessary
? Considers whether and how often others should be involved, using consultative or collaborative processes as an integral part of the decision-making process
? Analyses outcomes of decisions to identify improvement opportunities
? Actively identifies systems, devices and applications with potential to meet current and future needs
Knowledge Evidence:
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
? Describe recruitment and selection methods, including assessment centres
? Explain the concept of outsourcing
? Describe the purpose of employee contracts and industrial relations
? Summarise relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice that may affect recruitment, selection and induction
? Explain why terms and conditions of employment are an important aspect of recruitment
? Explain the relevance of psychometric and skills testing programs to recruitment
Assessment Conditions:
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the workforce development – human resource development field of work and include access to:
? An appropriate range of documentation and resources normally used in the workplace
? Relevant organisational policies and procedures
? Relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice
? Business technology
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
Companion volumes available from the IBSA website:
Any observations and practical assessments must be recorded in the observation checklist. All practical tasks should be demonstrated during the length of the course. As the instructor you must maintain a record demonstrating the date of the practical activities and any comments relevant to the performance of each student. Where a student is not able to demonstrate competence in a practical observation activity, further questioning should be put in its place.
As the instructor, you should be assessing the student’s literacy, numeracy and language skills, as well as the content and context of his/her answers.
In some cases, you will have to adjust and amend the assessment tools, using different and varied methods (such as oral assessment), to allow students to be assessed according to their needs and abilities.
Assessment Tool Definitions
Assessment Tool How is it used? What is it?
Learner Workbook Activities
(Entire completion is required) Each student should be given a Learner Workbook which will hold several activities, both formative and summative, that all need to be completed in conjunction with the appropriate sessions. The PowerPoint, Learner Guide and instructor should provide further information to help with the activities.
(To be completed for each numbered point as stated on the checklist) An observation should be completed for each of the students by the instructor. If the tasks aren’t everyday actions, a simulated environment is acceptable, or a demonstration can be set up. An observation checklist can be found at the end of this document.
Major Activity
(Entire completion is required) A Major Activity is a summative assessment and can be found in the Learner Workbook, after all the activities are completed. This is an extended piece of summative assessment which should take anywhere between 1-2 hours and every student should complete this work. It is a requirement for each unit to check knowledge and understanding.
Skills and Knowledge Activity
(Entire completion is required) A Skills and Knowledge Activity is a summative assessment and is found before the Major Activity in the Learner Workbook. This should take between 1-2 hours and every student should complete this work. It is a requirement for each unit to check knowledge and understanding of the foundation skills and knowledge evidence.
Third Party
(To be completed for each numbered point as stated on the checklist) A Third-Party checklist is very similar to an Observation Checklist in its format, but it can be completed by someone who works with the learner and has witnessed them completing tasks which coincide with the elements of the unit. The checklist can be found at the end of this document.
Case Study
(Entire completion is required) Not all units will have Case Studies but those that do will be clearly stated within the PowerPoint and the Learner Workbook. It will appear as any other activity, but it will be named ‘Case Study’ and will provide an example of a possible real-life situation for the learner to read, interpret and then answer questions on.
Learner Guide
(To be used as an informational guide) The Learner Guide links with the Learner Workbook as it provides the information given during sessions and more. It can help students to further their knowledge and to also complete the activities.
Evidence Document
(Not a necessity for completion of unit but can be used as an aid or to collect further evidence) The Evidence Document lists all the Elements and Performance Criteria with an area for written reports etc, to add evidence to the student’s portfolio. It can be used for any of the performance criteria, especially those which may not have been covered by any other assessment tool. The student can circle several the criteria that they may feel they need further evidence of or it can be used as a guide for completing further Observations and Third-Party reports.
Throughout this unit, the learner will be expected to show their competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as well as the formative and summative assessments found in the Learner Workbook. An explanation of demonstrations and observations:
Demonstration is off-the-job
A demonstration will require:
? Performing a skill or task that is asked of you
? Undertaking a simulation exercise
Observation is on-the-job
The observation will usually require:
? Performing a work-based skill or task
? Interaction with colleagues and/or customers
The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment, depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Each task must be observed. You will need to ensure you provide the learner with the correct equipment and/or materials to complete the task. You will also need to inform the learner of the time they have to complete the task; this will once again vary, depending on the task.
Learners should be able to demonstrate they can:
1. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures
2. Recruit and select staff
3. Manage staff induction.
Learners should also demonstrate the following skills:
? Reading
? Writing
? Oral communication
? Numeracy
? Navigate the world of work
? Interact with others
? Get the work done
Observation/Demonstration Checklist
Candidate’s Name _______________________________
Assessor or Observer’s Name Solomon Gomez
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title) BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes
Date of Assessment May 21, 2019
Location 75 Gozzard Street, Gungahlin 2912
Demonstration Tasks
Materials and Equipment
Tasks to be observed, demonstrated or simulated if appropriate Yes No Comment
1. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures: Did the learner demonstrate that they could analyses strategic and operational plans and policies to identify relevant policies and objectives?
2. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures: Did the learner demonstrate that they could develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures and supporting documents?
3. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures: Did the learner demonstrate that they could review options for technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment and selection process?
4. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures: Did the learner demonstrate that they could obtain support for policies and procedures from senior managers?
5. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures: Did the learner demonstrate that they could trial forms and documents supporting policies and procedures and make necessary adjustments?
6. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures: Did the learner demonstrate that they could communicate policies and procedures to relevant staff and provide training if required?
7. Recruit and select staff: Did the learner demonstrate that they could determine future human resource needs in collaboration with relevant managers and sections?
8. Recruit and select staff: Did the learner demonstrate that they could ensure current position descriptors and person specifications for vacancies are used by managers and others involved in recruitment, selection and induction processes?
9. Recruit and select staff: Did the learner demonstrate that they could provide access to training and other forms of support to all persons involved in recruitment and selection process?
10. Recruit and select staff: Did the learner demonstrate that they could ensure advertising of vacant positions complies with organizational policy and legal requirements?
11. Recruit and select staff: Did the learner demonstrate that they could utilize specialists where necessary?
12. Recruit and select staff: Did the learner demonstrate that they could ensure selection procedures are in accordance with organizational policy and legal requirements?
13. Recruit and select staff: Did the learner demonstrate that they could ensure processes for advising applicants of selection outcome are followed?
14. Recruit and select staff: Did the learner demonstrate that they could ensure job offers and contracts of employment are executed promptly, and new appointments are provided with advice about salary, terms and conditions?
15. Manage staff induction: Did the learner demonstrate that they could provide access to training and ongoing support for all persons engaged in staff induction?
16. Manage staff induction: Did the learner demonstrate that they could check induction processes are followed across the organization?
17. Manage staff induction: Did the learner demonstrate that they could oversee management of probationary employees and provide them with feedback until their employment is confirmed or terminated?
18. Manage staff induction: Did the learner demonstrate that they could obtain feedback from participants and relevant managers on extent induction process is meeting its objectives?
19. Manage staff induction: Did the learner demonstrate that they could make refinements to induction policies and procedures?
The candidate’s performance was: Not Satisfactory Satisfactory
Further Comments:
Candidate’s Signature
Assessor/Observer’s Signature Solomon Gomez
Support Questions for observation checklist
Candidate’s Name
Assessor or Observer’s Name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date of Assessment
The candidate’s performance was: Not Satisfactory Satisfactory
Client Feedback
Candidate’s Signature
Assessor/Observer’s Signature
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Candidate Details 3
Assessment – BSBHRM506: Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes 3
Competency Record to be completed by Assessor 4
Observation/Demonstration 5
Activities 6
Activity 1A 6
Activity 1B 7
Activity 1C 8
Activity 1D 9
Activity 1E 10
Activity 2A 11
Activity 2B 12
Activity 2C 13
Activity 2D 14
Activity 2E 15
Activity 2F 16
Activity 2G 17
Activity 2H 18
Activity 3A 19
Activity 3B 20
Activity 3C 21
Activity 3D 22
Activity 3E 23
Skills and Knowledge Activity 24
MajorActivity 25
Candidate Details
Assessment – BSBHRM506: Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes
Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer for marking. This forms part of your assessment for BSBHRM506: Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes.
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________
Employer: _____________________________________________________________
I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work except for where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person.
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________
If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below;
This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work except for where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person.
Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Competency Record to be completed by Assessor
Learner Name: _______________________________________________________
Date of Assessment: May 21, 2019
The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the evidence has been presented as;
Assessor Initials
Learner is deemed: COMPETENT NOT YET COMPETENT (Please circle)
If not yet competent, date for re-assessment: ____________________________________
Comments from Trainer/Assessor:
Assessor Signature: ________________________________________________________
Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. Your instructor will have a list of demonstrations you must complete or tasks to be observed. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as well as the activities found in this workbook. An explanation of demonstrations and observations:
Demonstration is off-the-job
A demonstration will require:
? Performing a skill or task that is asked of you
? Undertaking simulation exercise
Observation is on-the-job
The observation will usually require:
? Performing a work-based skill or task
? Interaction with colleagues and/or customers
Your instructor will inform you of which one of the above they would like you to do. The demonstration/observation will cover one of the unit’s elements.
The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment, depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Your instructor will ensure you are provided with the correct equipment and/or materials to complete the task. They will also inform you of how long you must complete the task.
You should be able to demonstrate you can:
4. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures
5. Recruit and select staff
6. Manage staff induction
You should also demonstrate the following skills:
? Reading
? Writing
? Oral communication
? Numeracy
? Navigate the world of work
? Interact with others
? Get the work done
Activity 1A
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to analyse strategic and operational plans and policies to identify relevant policies and objectives.
Activity Refer to the Case Study in section 1.1 of the Learner Guide.
What qualities, values, skills and attributes should Celine and Jeff look for in their recruit?
For each aspect you identify, briefly describe why this would be ideal.
Activity 1B
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures and supporting documents.
Activity Refer to the case study in section 1.2 of the Learner Guide.
Infer the message that could be sent to existing staff and potential external recruits if New Care were to advertise externally for the Chief Operating Officer role.
Activity 1C
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to review options for technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment and selection process.
Activity How is technology used effectively in current recruitment process?
Suggest one-way that technology could improve current recruitment strategy.
Activity 1D
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to obtain support for policies and procedures from senior managers; and to communicate policies and procedures to relevant staff and provide training if required.
Activity Identify the policies and procedures applied to the recruitment process in your organisation.
Activity 1E
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to trial forms and documents supporting policies and procedures and make necessary adjustments.
Activity Make a draft copy of recruitment advertisement or application form.
Next, explain how this document supports organisational policies and procedures.
Activity 2A
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to determine future human resource needs in collaboration with relevant managers and sections.
Activity Refer to the Case Study in section 2.1 of the Learner Guide.
Using the information and context given, suggest what ASIO could have done to ensure that their recruitment and selection choices matched their current and future needs.
Activity 2B
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure current position descriptors and person specifications for vacancies are used by managers and others involved in recruitment, selection and induction processes.
Activity Refer to the Case Study in section 2.1 of the Learner Guide.
If you were the CEO of Rapid, which five candidates would you select? Explain your answers.
Activity 2C
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to provide access to training and other forms of support to all persons involved in recruitment and selection process.
Activity What training is available at your organization for those involved in the recruitment and selection processes?
Identify a scenario or problem regarding recruitment of candidate that you could encounter and suggest how training could rectify this.
Activity 2D
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure advertising of vacant positions complies with organisational policy and legal requirements.
Activity What discrimination laws are broken in the following instances?
A job advertises for ‘mature women only.’
A job advertises for a female child minder.
A well-qualified Muslim applicant is rejected in favour of a less qualified atheist.
Activity 2E
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to utilise specialists where necessary.
Activity Give an example scenario where you could use a recruitment specialist.
? What are your needs?
? Why uses a specialist?
? What kind of specialist?
? How could they help?
Activity 2F
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity tonsure selection procedure are in accordance with organisational policy and legal requirements.
Activity Outline your organisational policy on the selection process.
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure processes for advising applicants of selection outcome are followed.
Activity How does your company notify applicants of the result of the selection process?
Activity 2H
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure job offers and contracts of employment are executed promptly, and new appointments are provided with advice about salary, terms and conditions.
Activity Outline the time frame and method of implementation for the following:
a. Issuing job offer
Time Frame Method
b. The new employee commencing work
Time Frame Method
c. Signing employment contract
Time Frame Method
d. Discussing and clarifying salary
Time Frame Method
e. Discussing terms and conditions of the role.
Time Frame Method
Activity 3A
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to provide access to training and ongoing support for all persons engaged in staff induction.
Activity What support is available for staff undergoing induction at your organisation?
Activity 3B
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to check induction processes are followed across the organisation.
Activity Refer to the case study in section 3.1 of the Learner Guide.
Pick out the parts of the induction process that made her feel valued and secure.
For each point, briefly note how this would make her feel and why.
? ‘Nurtured by the senior management team’
? ‘Appreciated the new person’
? ‘Build her in to their world on her terms’
? ‘Discussing her issues, concerns and fears’
Activity 3C
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to oversee management of probationary employees and provide them with feedback until their employment is confirmed or terminated.
Activity What is your organisation’s policy on providing feedback to employee on probationary period ?
? When is feedback given?
? What format is feedback given in?
? What information does the feedback provide?
Activity 3D
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to obtain feedback from participants and relevant managers on extent induction process is meeting its objectives.
Activity How is feedback gathered from permeant employees?
When is feedback gathered?
What format is feedback collected in?
What information does the feedback seek?
Activity 3E
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to make refinements to induction policies and procedures.
Activity Refer to the Case Study in Section 3.5 of the Learner Guide.
By examining Seph’s experiences, identify what went wrong and what refinements that could/should be made to the probation period / induction process as a result.
Skills and Knowledge Activity
Estimated Time 90 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the foundation skills, knowledge evidence and performance evidence.
Activity Complete the following individually.
The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
? Reading
? Writing
? Oral communication
? Numeracy
? Navigate the world of work
? Interact with others
? Get the work done
? Recruitment and selection methods, including assessment centres
? The concept of outsourcing
? The purpose of employee contracts and industrial relations
? Relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice that may affect recruitment, selection and induction
? Terms and conditions of employment
? Relevance of psychometric and skills testing programs to recruitment
Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.
1. This activity will require you to document a hypothetical recruitment, selection and induction process.
a. Write up a basic job advertisement.
b. Write the criteria for the role, in terms of personality and skills and knowledge.
o For each point, note why this is required/desirable.
c. Write a letter to the successful applicant, informing them of their next steps, including outlining the induction process.
c. Give some written example feedback to the employee (after their probationary and induction period).
d. Write some example feedback from employee, highlighting an issue and your explanation what you will do to resolve this.
2. Describe your organisation’s process for recruitment if this was outsourced, including relevant communications.
Major Activity
Estimated Time 1 – 2 Hours
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the entire unit.
Activity This is a major activity – your instructor will let you know whether you will complete it during class or in your own time.
Attach your completed answers to the workbook.
You must individually, answer the following questions in full to show your competency of each element:
1. Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures
2. Recruit and select staff
3. Manage staff induction
1. How do operational plans affect operational policies in terms of recruitment?
2. Why might organisations have a recruitment policy?
3. Identify one aspect of the recruitment process that is done using technology. How could this be achieved without any technology, or, how was it achieved before technology?
4. Suggest a way you could communicate information on policies and procedures to relevant staff.
5. Why might you need to update a document?
6. How could other managers support policies and procedures?
7. What should you consider when predicting the organisation’s future needs? Suggest three.
8. Why are person specifications useful?
9. What is the procedure for staff training in your workplace?
10. What is the best way to avoid flouting legal requirements with your advertising and selection?
11. Where would you find a recruitment specialist? Explain your answer.
12. Whose responsibility is it to ensure that the selection process follows organisational policy?
13. Why informing unsuccessful applicants of their results is important
14. Why Employment Contracts is important?
15. Why new staff may need additional support?
16. What could happen if the induction process isn’t followed?
17. Why might feedback be useful to probationary employees who do not receive permanent employment?
18. Why is feedback on the induction process useful for organisations?
19. Why should the induction process be refined?