Posted: August 17th, 2022
Assessment 4 Instructions: Positive Psychology Applied to Institutions
Assessment 4 Instructions: Positive Psychology Applied to Institutions
• Write a 4-6 page paper applying concepts from positive psychology to a particular environment, assessing the strengths and limitations of that application, and citing research to support that application.
Note: You are encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the sequence in which they are presented. It is best to complete Assessment 1 first. Assessment 1 will help to prepare you for the other assessments. It is best to complete Assessment 4 last since it is the most complex of the four assessments.
Home, school, and work are places where we all spend a significant amount of time, and as such, they have the potential to have a positive or a negative impact on our happiness and sense of well-being. For this assessment, you will choose a particular setting and explain how positive psychology principles and concepts can be applied to that setting in order to improve it. Note: You should try to finish the assessments in this course in the order they are given. The best thing to do is to finish Assessment 1 first. The first test will help you get ready for the other tests. Since Assessment 4 is the most difficult of the four, it is best to do it last.
We all spend a lot of time at home, school, and work. Because of this, these places can have a positive or negative effect on our happiness and sense of well-being. For this test, you will choose a setting and explain how positive psychology ideas and principles can be used to make that setting better.
Note: You are encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the sequence in which they are presented. It is best to complete Assessment 1 first. Assessment 1 will help to prepare you for the other assessments. It is best to complete Assessment 4 last since it is the most complex of the four assessments.
For this assessment, you apply principles of positive psychology to a setting of your choice. It is helpful to choose a setting for which you have a personal or professional interest. Your interest will strengthen the relevance of this assessment for you.
• Character Strengths in the Workplace.
• Positive Workplaces.
• Character Strengths and Mental health.
• Primary Prevention and Enhancement in Mental Health.
• Family-Centered Positive Psychology.
• Character Strengths in Positive Education.
• Positive Schools.
• Character Strengths and Health and Wellness.
Use the Capella University Library to find scholarly articles. If you aren’t familiar with the library, the “Finding Articles” section of the Psychology Research Guide is a great place to start your search. You are required to include a minimum of 3 properly cited professional resources (such as a textbook and peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the Capella library).
Organize your paper, using the following headings to ensure that you address each element of the assessment.
• Introduction
o Write a description of the specific environment you are discussing and why you believe positive psychology principles could be of use in it. Include details of who is in the environment, where it is, and what people are doing in that setting.
• Applications of Positive Psychology
o Write a detailed explanation of principles (for example, positivity, happiness, well-being) and concepts (for example, character strengths, flourishing, flow, gratitude) from positive psychology that are most relevant to the selected environment, and explain why.
• Strengths and Limitations of Positive Psychology Applications in this Setting
o Write an assessment of the strengths and limitations (advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons) involved in the application of positive psychology principles and concepts in this setting.
• Research Supporting the Application of Positive Psychology in the Setting
o Cite and apply scholarly research that supports the application of positive psychology principles and concepts in this setting.
• Conclusion
o Write a conclusion in which you summarize how the use of positive psychology principles and concepts in this setting may affect your current and future work life, health, education, or family.
Additional Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
• Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• APA formatting: Your paper should be formatted according to current Evidence and APA guidelines.
• Number of References: Your paper should include a minimum of 3 properly cited professional resources (such as a textbook and peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the Capella library).
• Length: 4–6 double-spaced pages of content in addition to the title page and reference page.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Review the Positive Psychology Applied to Institutions Scoring Guide for details on how your paper will be graded.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
• Competency 1: Explain the relationship among positive experiences, positive traits, and optimal human functioning.
o Explain potential uses of positive psychology principles in a specific environment.
• Competency 2: Apply concepts of positive psychology to real world situations.
o Explain the relevant applications of principles and concepts within a specific setting.
• Competency 3: Apply research findings to topics in positive psychology.
o Support analysis of positive psychology applications with scholarly sources.
• Competency 4: Analyze the strengths and limitations of applied positive psychology.
o Assess the strengths and limitations of positive psychology applications within a specific setting.
• Competency 5: Write using a clear purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure.
o Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text with appropriate tone and grammatically sound sentences.
o Use APA-style formatting in citations and references.