Posted: July 16th, 2023
Assessment 3 Workbook
Assessment 3 Workbook
Student instructions
Download and save this workbook to your device using First Name_Surname_ Assessment 3 naming conventions.
Read through all (3) three deliverable task items. This list outlines all the deliverable tasks you will need to complete and submit as part of your assessment 3 Canvas submission.
Input your answers in the allocated answer box where possible. If you cannot input your task into a Word document, please attach as a separate file when submitting to Canvas.
Do not delete action task items in the template. All tasks are compulsory.
Save your answers, ensuring you are using file naming conventions and upload your file/s through Canvas submission.
Please read through the tasks carefully before starting. If you have any questions, please direct them to your tutor.
Task List
Read through your compulsory set of tasks below. It is important to complete your tasks as per order below.
? Task 1: Persuasive video presentation 25 points
? Task 2: Supporting digital resource 10 points
? Task 3: Communication piece 5 points
Task List
Please read the deliverable tasks below. You are required to complete all of these tasks. Input your answers / graphics directly into the workbook.
Persuasive video presentation
Task 1 | Video presentation Point value
You are required to prepare a professional and creative video presentation summarising the four questions (see below) that the Board of Directors wants you to answer which will be submitted in Week 13.
Your video must not be longer than ten (10) minutes.
We will be observing and reviewing your video presentation skills, enthusiasm, and knowledge on the content you are presenting alongside your supporting marketing materials.
Remember your video presentation and contents needs to be targeted to attendees attending the Australian Conference of Economists (ACE). Your audience will have an interest in your content with the possible intention of learning more about Economics as a future job path with the organisation you are representing.
The Board of Directors would like you to undertake the following tasks:
Using a diagram showing consumer and producer surplus, show generally how taxes impact consumer and producer welfare. Remember to highlight the deadweight loss (DWL) to your audience.
Then extend this to the macroeconomy by showing how taxes generally impact aggregate demand and aggregate supply (AD-AS).
Using an AD-AS model, can you answer whether a tax that improves people’s health could have any potential long-term benefits for the economy.
Finally, briefly discuss how you could use an empirical econometric model to assess the health and economic growth consequences of a ‘fat tax’.
25 points
Format – Video presentation and PPT (5 slides max)
Answer box Point value
Week 8 9 and 10 is the answer for this question
Supporting digital resource
Task 2 | Supporting digital resource Point value
You are required to design (1) one digital resource that supports the content of your video presentation. The resource is intended to act as a leave behind resource targeted to a typical audience member attending the conference. We encourage you to be creative yet appropriate when determining the format and design of the resource. Please ensure it hits all the critical points of your presentation. Examples may include but not limited to; infographic, brochure, flyer, poster (A4) or podcast.
10 points
Format – Digital | Your choice (Adobe Express recommended)
Answer box Point value
Communication piece
Task 3 | Communication piece Point value
You are required to draft a communication piece that promotes your involvement, video presentation and content at the Australian Conference of Economists (ACE).
The communication piece should be designed with the intention to achieve (1) one of the below outcomes:
Option A: Drive target audiences at the Conference to your organisation’s festival booth and watch your video presentation.
Option B: Motivate internal staff at the organisation to attend the Conference and support your video presentation.
Content of communication piece
The communication piece should highlight one or two key points of your video presentation content and have a call to action (to come and watch your video displayed at your organisation’s festival booth).
The platform of the communication site is your choice however it should sit on suitable business platform such as LinkedIn, Yammer, Twitter, or an internal staff collaboration site such as MS Teams, Slack, Outlook (email).
Ideal length: Please follow Hootsuite’s guide for social media posts.
5 points
Format – Digital or written email | Social media site or email communication piece