Posted: May 1st, 2022
Assessment 2: Oral Presentation
Assessment 2: Oral Presentation
Task overview
Assessment name Oral Presentation
Brief task description Students will prepare and record an oral presentation based on a given case study. The task will require consideration of communication processes between nurse, patient and family with respect to frameworks and concepts of care covered in the course content. Students will also prepare and present a SOAP note and SBAR verbal clinical handover as part of their presentation.
Due Date 18th May, 2020 2355hrs (AEST)
Length 10 minute individual recorded oral presentation (+/- 10%)
Maximum of 10 slides
Marks out of:
Weighting: 50 %
(marks out of 100)
Course Objectives measured
CLO 2. Apply therapeutic communication knowledge to case studies.
CLO 3. Identify and reflect upon factors that contribute to effective and ineffective interpersonal and inter and intra professional communication and the implications for patient safety.
CLO 4. Identify and explain strategies that promote resilience and self-care in interpersonal communication.
CLO 5.Use and reflect on emerging critical thinking, digital literacy and health literacy using correct academic writing skills.
Graduate Attributes 1,2,3,4,5 & 6
Task information
Task detail Analyse the communication processes occurring between the patient, family and nurse in the given case study based on your developed knowledge and understanding of communications in healthcare. Create a recording of your analysis, identifying and discussing the ineffective verbal and nonverbal communication evident in this scenario. Apply the effective communication strategies, skills and approaches and communication frameworks for loss and grief that contribute to achieving therapeutic communication for patient and family. Discuss your reflections of resilience and self-care in practice as part of therapeutic communication. Integrate a SOAP note for the non-verbal inter-professional communication and a verbal clinical handover (SBAR format) on how you would communicate this to the nurse you handover to at the end of your shift, as per intra-professional communication.
Your slide presentation must include the following:
1. An introduction:
– Introduce yourself to the reader/listener
– Provide an overview of the main points which your presentation is going to provide the listener/reader
2. In the body of your presentation:
– Provide a discussion of each of the components in your presentation:
i. Your analysis of the verbal and nonverbal communication used by the nurse, patient and family in the case study, inclusive of communication strategies, skills and approaches, discussion on caring conversations to support the loss and grief of the patient with inclusion of cultural awareness and reflections on resilience and self-care in healthcare communication.
ii. The SOAP note that documents the ineffective communication. You will include in your presentation a slide of a documented SOAP note of the information exchange between yourself and patient and family, as part of written communication in healthcare.
iii. The SBAR approach for clinical handover for consistency in therapeutic communication. You will provide an orally presented clinical handover using the SBAR format for intra-professional communication between nurses to ensure consistency of therapeutic communication is maintained.
– Provide in text references in slides to support your information and/or specific examples.
3. In your conclusion:
– Provide summation on how written and verbal professional communication contributes to patient safety and quality in nursing practice. Finish with a powerful impact statement.
Your last slide will be your reference page of all in-text references/citations.
You need to engage your audience (either other student nurses, Registered Nurses, lecturers for example) and appeal to their learning styles. In your presentation, you can be creative to make your information more interesting for the audience to help engagement.
Writing Style Correct Academic Writing as per USQ guidelines
APA 7th Edition Referencing (no less than 6 references)
Contemporary Literature must be sourced (no more than 7 years old)
Formatting Style Your presentation can be recorded in Powerpoint as a voice-over/ narrated Powerpoint OR you can make a video of your slides and voice and upload this to YouTube. In your PowerPoint presentation, include a maximum of 10 slides and no more than 3 graphics/images. Do not include any external audio-visual material (eg videos) in your presentation. Your slides should consist of text and images only.
You will be assessed on your presentation content and on your oral presentation skills (see marking rubric).
Resources available to complete task Referencing:
Turnitin Information:
Submission information
What you need to submit 1 X Microsoft Powerpoint (ppt.) file. via the Assignment 2 submission link
Do not include the marking criteria sheet or your transcript of your recording
Submission requirements Voice over Powerpoint recording: upload 1 Powerpoint (ppt.) file that includes audio recording over slides, via the Assessment Two Submission Link – Turnitin. A Turnitin % 15% will not be accepted.
Youtube presentation – upload your ppt. file with the Youtube link at the bottom of the first slide
Submit presentation via the provided Assessment Two submission Link in the Assessment Tab.
File Name Conventions Save your document with the following naming conventions: surname_initialORstudentnumber_coursecode_A2.ppt
Moderation All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.
Academic Integrity Statement The USQ policy on Academic Integrity can be found on the link below:
Late Submissions Penalty Please refer to the link on late submission of assessment items and penalties applied – Late Submissions of Assignments – 4.2.4
Penalty is 5% of the total mark, per business day.
Case Study
Mr. Rossi is 90 years, an Italian immigrant from the 1950’s and is in an aged care facility in Toowoomba. He has been placed in the facility recently as he lives on his own, and has been deemed unsafe to self-care and mobilise at home without some supervision. He is a widower of 7 months and is still grieving the loss of his wife who cared for him due to his reduced mobility. He is upset about leaving his family home that he built for his wife on their arrival to Australia. Every day he asks staff, “When can I go back home?”
You are the student nurse caring for Mr. Rossi and you respond to a call from his nurse-call button. Mr Rossi has family visiting and they start to question you on why their Dad has been told he “can go home this weekend as he is improving” and “his nurse said today that he can go home.” You attempt to explain this is incorrect, when Mr Rossi interrupts and states he was told this morning when he was escorted to the bathroom without any assistance. He states he was praised by you, for “doing so well on your own” and “completing all the morning wash and teeth brushing with no help at all.”
You realise there has been a misunderstanding of your positive praise for Mr Rossi and you move closer towards Mr Rossi, leaning over him to face him to start saying loudly:
“No I didn’t Mr Rossi, you have that mixed up. I was just praising you for being very good on your own, not needing my help.”
With that, Mr Rossi’s son stands up, moves closer to you and states loudly,
“Don’t speak to my father like that! He is not deaf and that was very rude the way you spoke to him just now.”
You step back from the son quickly, startled by his close presence. You then turn to speak to Mr Rossi who is sitting in bed.
“Sorry Mr Rossi, but you need to tell your family the truth. I didn’t say you were going home. You have misunderstood that my praise of you was suggesting that you are ready to go home today.”
You then leave the bedspace and speak to your colleagues in the tearoom about your “stressful morning with Mr Rossi”.Assessment 2: Oral Presentation
Task overview
Assessment name Oral Presentation
Brief task description Students will prepare and record an oral presentation based on a given case study. The task will require consideration of communication processes between nurse, patient and family with respect to frameworks and concepts of care covered in the course content. Students will also prepare and present a SOAP note and SBAR verbal clinical handover as part of their presentation.
Due Date 18th May, 2020 2355hrs (AEST)
Length 10 minute individual recorded oral presentation (+/- 10%)
Maximum of 10 slides
Marks out of:
Weighting: 50 %
(marks out of 100)
Course Objectives measured
CLO 2. Apply therapeutic communication knowledge to case studies.
CLO 3. Identify and reflect upon factors that contribute to effective and ineffective interpersonal and inter and intra professional communication and the implications for patient safety.
CLO 4. Identify and explain strategies that promote resilience and self-care in interpersonal communication.
CLO 5.Use and reflect on emerging critical thinking, digital literacy and health literacy using correct academic writing skills.
Graduate Attributes 1,2,3,4,5 & 6
Task information
Task detail Analyse the communication processes occurring between the patient, family and nurse in the given case study based on your developed knowledge and understanding of communications in healthcare. Create a recording of your analysis, identifying and discussing the ineffective verbal and nonverbal communication evident in this scenario. Apply the effective communication strategies, skills and approaches and communication frameworks for loss and grief that contribute to achieving therapeutic communication for patient and family. Discuss your reflections of resilience and self-care in practice as part of therapeutic communication. Integrate a SOAP note for the non-verbal inter-professional communication and a verbal clinical handover (SBAR format) on how you would communicate this to the nurse you handover to at the end of your shift, as per intra-professional communication.
Your slide presentation must include the following:
1. An introduction:
– Introduce yourself to the reader/listener
– Provide an overview of the main points which your presentation is going to provide the listener/reader
2. In the body of your presentation:
– Provide a discussion of each of the components in your presentation:
i. Your analysis of the verbal and nonverbal communication used by the nurse, patient and family in the case study, inclusive of communication strategies, skills and approaches, discussion on caring conversations to support the loss and grief of the patient with inclusion of cultural awareness and reflections on resilience and self-care in healthcare communication.
ii. The SOAP note that documents the ineffective communication. You will include in your presentation a slide of a documented SOAP note of the information exchange between yourself and patient and family, as part of written communication in healthcare.
iii. The SBAR approach for clinical handover for consistency in therapeutic communication. You will provide an orally presented clinical handover using the SBAR format for intra-professional communication between nurses to ensure consistency of therapeutic communication is maintained.
– Provide in text references in slides to support your information and/or specific examples.
3. In your conclusion:
– Provide summation on how written and verbal professional communication contributes to patient safety and quality in nursing practice. Finish with a powerful impact statement.
Your last slide will be your reference page of all in-text references/citations.
You need to engage your audience (either other student nurses, Registered Nurses, lecturers for example) and appeal to their learning styles. In your presentation, you can be creative to make your information more interesting for the audience to help engagement.
Writing Style Correct Academic Writing as per USQ guidelines
APA 7th Edition Referencing (no less than 6 references)
Contemporary Literature must be sourced (no more than 7 years old)
Formatting Style Your presentation can be recorded in Powerpoint as a voice-over/ narrated Powerpoint OR you can make a video of your slides and voice and upload this to YouTube. In your PowerPoint presentation, include a maximum of 10 slides and no more than 3 graphics/images. Do not include any external audio-visual material (eg videos) in your presentation. Your slides should consist of text and images only.
You will be assessed on your presentation content and on your oral presentation skills (see marking rubric).
Resources available to complete task Referencing:
Turnitin Information:
Submission information
What you need to submit 1 X Microsoft Powerpoint (ppt.) file. via the Assignment 2 submission link
Do not include the marking criteria sheet or your transcript of your recording
Submission requirements Voice over Powerpoint recording: upload 1 Powerpoint (ppt.) file that includes audio recording over slides, via the Assessment Two Submission Link – Turnitin. A Turnitin % 15% will not be accepted.
Youtube presentation – upload your ppt. file with the Youtube link at the bottom of the first slide
Submit presentation via the provided Assessment Two submission Link in the Assessment Tab.
File Name Conventions Save your document with the following naming conventions: surname_initialORstudentnumber_coursecode_A2.ppt
Moderation All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.
Academic Integrity Statement The USQ policy on Academic Integrity can be found on the link below:
Late Submissions Penalty Please refer to the link on late submission of assessment items and penalties applied – Late Submissions of Assignments – 4.2.4
Penalty is 5% of the total mark, per business day.
Case Study
Mr. Rossi is 90 years, an Italian immigrant from the 1950’s and is in an aged care facility in Toowoomba. He has been placed in the facility recently as he lives on his own, and has been deemed unsafe to self-care and mobilise at home without some supervision. He is a widower of 7 months and is still grieving the loss of his wife who cared for him due to his reduced mobility. He is upset about leaving his family home that he built for his wife on their arrival to Australia. Every day he asks staff, “When can I go back home?”
You are the student nurse caring for Mr. Rossi and you respond to a call from his nurse-call button. Mr Rossi has family visiting and they start to question you on why their Dad has been told he “can go home this weekend as he is improving” and “his nurse said today that he can go home.” You attempt to explain this is incorrect, when Mr Rossi interrupts and states he was told this morning when he was escorted to the bathroom without any assistance. He states he was praised by you, for “doing so well on your own” and “completing all the morning wash and teeth brushing with no help at all.”
You realise there has been a misunderstanding of your positive praise for Mr Rossi and you move closer towards Mr Rossi, leaning over him to face him to start saying loudly:
“No I didn’t Mr Rossi, you have that mixed up. I was just praising you for being very good on your own, not needing my help.”
With that, Mr Rossi’s son stands up, moves closer to you and states loudly,
“Don’t speak to my father like that! He is not deaf and that was very rude the way you spoke to him just now.”
You step back from the son quickly, startled by his close presence. You then turn to speak to Mr Rossi who is sitting in bed.
“Sorry Mr Rossi, but you need to tell your family the truth. I didn’t say you were going home. You have misunderstood that my praise of you was suggesting that you are ready to go home today.”
You then leave the bedspace and speak to your colleagues in the tearoom about your “stressful morning with Mr Rossi”.Assessment 2: Oral Presentation
Task overview
Assessment name Oral Presentation
Brief task description Students will prepare and record an oral presentation based on a given case study. The task will require consideration of communication processes between nurse, patient and family with respect to frameworks and concepts of care covered in the course content. Students will also prepare and present a SOAP note and SBAR verbal clinical handover as part of their presentation.
Due Date 18th May, 2020 2355hrs (AEST)
Length 10 minute individual recorded oral presentation (+/- 10%)
Maximum of 10 slides
Marks out of:
Weighting: 50 %
(marks out of 100)
Course Objectives measured
CLO 2. Apply therapeutic communication knowledge to case studies.
CLO 3. Identify and reflect upon factors that contribute to effective and ineffective interpersonal and inter and intra professional communication and the implications for patient safety.
CLO 4. Identify and explain strategies that promote resilience and self-care in interpersonal communication.
CLO 5.Use and reflect on emerging critical thinking, digital literacy and health literacy using correct academic writing skills.
Graduate Attributes 1,2,3,4,5 & 6
Task information
Task detail Analyse the communication processes occurring between the patient, family and nurse in the given case study based on your developed knowledge and understanding of communications in healthcare. Create a recording of your analysis, identifying and discussing the ineffective verbal and nonverbal communication evident in this scenario. Apply the effective communication strategies, skills and approaches and communication frameworks for loss and grief that contribute to achieving therapeutic communication for patient and family. Discuss your reflections of resilience and self-care in practice as part of therapeutic communication. Integrate a SOAP note for the non-verbal inter-professional communication and a verbal clinical handover (SBAR format) on how you would communicate this to the nurse you handover to at the end of your shift, as per intra-professional communication.
Your slide presentation must include the following:
1. An introduction:
– Introduce yourself to the reader/listener
– Provide an overview of the main points which your presentation is going to provide the listener/reader
2. In the body of your presentation:
– Provide a discussion of each of the components in your presentation:
i. Your analysis of the verbal and nonverbal communication used by the nurse, patient and family in the case study, inclusive of communication strategies, skills and approaches, discussion on caring conversations to support the loss and grief of the patient with inclusion of cultural awareness and reflections on resilience and self-care in healthcare communication.
ii. The SOAP note that documents the ineffective communication. You will include in your presentation a slide of a documented SOAP note of the information exchange between yourself and patient and family, as part of written communication in healthcare.
iii. The SBAR approach for clinical handover for consistency in therapeutic communication. You will provide an orally presented clinical handover using the SBAR format for intra-professional communication between nurses to ensure consistency of therapeutic communication is maintained.
– Provide in text references in slides to support your information and/or specific examples.
3. In your conclusion:
– Provide summation on how written and verbal professional communication contributes to patient safety and quality in nursing practice. Finish with a powerful impact statement.
Your last slide will be your reference page of all in-text references/citations.
You need to engage your audience (either other student nurses, Registered Nurses, lecturers for example) and appeal to their learning styles. In your presentation, you can be creative to make your information more interesting for the audience to help engagement.
Writing Style Correct Academic Writing as per USQ guidelines
APA 7th Edition Referencing (no less than 6 references)
Contemporary Literature must be sourced (no more than 7 years old)
Formatting Style Your presentation can be recorded in Powerpoint as a voice-over/ narrated Powerpoint OR you can make a video of your slides and voice and upload this to YouTube. In your PowerPoint presentation, include a maximum of 10 slides and no more than 3 graphics/images. Do not include any external audio-visual material (eg videos) in your presentation. Your slides should consist of text and images only.
You will be assessed on your presentation content and on your oral presentation skills (see marking rubric).
Resources available to complete task Referencing:
Turnitin Information:
Submission information
What you need to submit 1 X Microsoft Powerpoint (ppt.) file. via the Assignment 2 submission link
Do not include the marking criteria sheet or your transcript of your recording
Submission requirements Voice over Powerpoint recording: upload 1 Powerpoint (ppt.) file that includes audio recording over slides, via the Assessment Two Submission Link – Turnitin. A Turnitin % 15% will not be accepted.
Youtube presentation – upload your ppt. file with the Youtube link at the bottom of the first slide
Submit presentation via the provided Assessment Two submission Link in the Assessment Tab.
File Name Conventions Save your document with the following naming conventions: surname_initialORstudentnumber_coursecode_A2.ppt
Moderation All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.
Academic Integrity Statement The USQ policy on Academic Integrity can be found on the link below:
Late Submissions Penalty Please refer to the link on late submission of assessment items and penalties applied – Late Submissions of Assignments – 4.2.4
Penalty is 5% of the total mark, per business day.
Case Study
Mr. Rossi is 90 years, an Italian immigrant from the 1950’s and is in an aged care facility in Toowoomba. He has been placed in the facility recently as he lives on his own, and has been deemed unsafe to self-care and mobilise at home without some supervision. He is a widower of 7 months and is still grieving the loss of his wife who cared for him due to his reduced mobility. He is upset about leaving his family home that he built for his wife on their arrival to Australia. Every day he asks staff, “When can I go back home?”
You are the student nurse caring for Mr. Rossi and you respond to a call from his nurse-call button. Mr Rossi has family visiting and they start to question you on why their Dad has been told he “can go home this weekend as he is improving” and “his nurse said today that he can go home.” You attempt to explain this is incorrect, when Mr Rossi interrupts and states he was told this morning when he was escorted to the bathroom without any assistance. He states he was praised by you, for “doing so well on your own” and “completing all the morning wash and teeth brushing with no help at all.”
You realise there has been a misunderstanding of your positive praise for Mr Rossi and you move closer towards Mr Rossi, leaning over him to face him to start saying loudly:
“No I didn’t Mr Rossi, you have that mixed up. I was just praising you for being very good on your own, not needing my help.”
With that, Mr Rossi’s son stands up, moves closer to you and states loudly,
“Don’t speak to my father like that! He is not deaf and that was very rude the way you spoke to him just now.”
You step back from the son quickly, startled by his close presence. You then turn to speak to Mr Rossi who is sitting in bed.
“Sorry Mr Rossi, but you need to tell your family the truth. I didn’t say you were going home. You have misunderstood that my praise of you was suggesting that you are ready to go home today.”
You then leave the bedspace and speak to your colleagues in the tearoom about your “stressful morning with Mr Rossi”.