Posted: April 20th, 2022
Assessment 2: Individual written essay (30%); 1200 –
Assessment 2: Individual written essay (30%); 1200 –
Assessment 2: Individual written essay (30%); 1200 – 1500 words – due Week 9
For this assessment, you are required to discuss:
In relation to Community Development, what is Capacity building?
Why is this important when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities?
Briefly outline the current experiences and ongoing impacts of colonisation on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities in the areas of health, education or employment.
Research one (1) Community Development project which focuses on health, education or employment in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Discuss how this project is relevant and supportive to the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community.
Along with other resources, please be sure to Include suggested references front this unit outline, and resources from you. weekly reedings.
Individual written essay (30%); 1200 – 1500 words – due Assessment 2: Individual written essay (30%); 1200 – 1500 words – due 9th week
You must discuss the following topics for this assessment:
What exactly is capacity building in the context of community development?
What is the significance of this when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities?
Outline briefly the current experiences and ongoing effects of colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in areas such as health, education, and employment.
Investigate one (1) Community Development project in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community that focuses on health, education, or employment. Discuss how this project is beneficial to the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community.
Please include suggested references in addition to other resources at the beginning of this document.