Posted: July 16th, 2023
Ass #3: Recruitment and Selection Report (50%)
Ass #3: Recruitment and Selection Report (50%) Overview Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to develop their understanding of human resource management concepts and practices. The assignment aims to assess the student’s ability to analyse job requirements, develop selection criteria and design an effective recruitment and selection plan. By completing this assignment, students can enhance their knowledge and skills related to recruitment and selection processes, which are essential for managing human resources in organizations. Understanding these processes will assist students in their future job applications and when recruiting staff in their future management roles.
Skills: Students will apply various skills to complete the task successfully. Students will develop:
Research skills to identify the job requirements, target audience, and analyse the job market to create an effective recruitment plan.
Analytical skills to select recruitment and selection techniques and strategies and determine their likely impact on organizational performance.
Critical thinking skills to identify potential biases and design selection criteria that are fair, transparent and aligned with organizational goals.
Communication skills to present their findings and recommendations clearly and persuasively.
Knowledge: Through this assignment, students can gain valuable knowledge related to recruitment and selection practices, which are essential for effective human resource management. Students will:
Learn about the importance of job analysis and job descriptions in developing effective selection criteria.
Develop knowledge related to various recruitment methods and strategies, such as advertising, interviewing, psychometric assessment and employee referrals.
Gain insight into decision making strategies for selection and appointment.
AI use To save you time on basic searches, you are encouraged to use artificial intelligence (AI) to help you create this report. Some AI tools are good summaries and their conversational tone makes them easy to read, which will assist your learning. However, they are not always accurate, complete, or appropriate for a particular context, perspective or level of analysis. Given you will have access to this and future iterations of AI, this assignment challenges you to be better thanthe AI tools available to you. You will be evaluated on how well you critically analyse the AI results you generate. You are to submit the AI report (as a coherent whole) as well as your evaluation of each of parts 2 to 11 of that AI report. So your report will be in two parts, or may even be in two columns in a table, as the suggested format below suggests. Your critical analysis could consider the following aspects of different parts of the AI report:
What omissions, errors or flaws have you identified that are present in the AI report?
What aspects of the AI report need elaboration to fully explain the questions in that section?
What nuances has the AI tool missed for your particular circumstances? This particularly speaks to the contextissue (part 1 below). What is it about the particular context you have described that AI has not addressed? Different settings may have vastly different work, structure, processes, needs and conditions.
Target roles, 2023 S1 The position will be a low volume or specialised role or position, of high value to the organisation, with few qualified potential applicants (although there may be a large number of applicants who are not qualified). The three roles from which you must selectoneare:
Procurement manager: Public or private sector, large or small, any goods or services.
An intelligence officer: Perhaps in the Australian military, ASIO, a defence supplies manufacturer or a private security company.
A junior or entry-level lawyer: Could be in a law firm, a corporate employer, a (local, state or federal) government service.
Each of the above roles varies widely depending on the specific context, so you need to describe exactly what you want from THIS role in THIS organisation. You are to invent a fictitious organisation and describe the specific role in that organisation. You may base your creation on something you have experienced, read or heard about, and you may call or interview others to help you better understand the role. Note you are not required to consider the remuneration, compensation or potential industrial relations implications of this role. Many students will not have studied these issues yet. The task Imagine you are an HR consultant working with a client. Your task is to develop a recruitment and selection plan that demonstrates your understanding of strategic recruitment and selection issues within a business context. You are to develop a start-to-finish plan for the recruitment and selection process that you recommend be implemented for the next time this role is to be recruited by this organisation. Your recruitment and selection plan report is to include:
Context: Describe your fictitious organisation and the business unit in which your role resides, such as who is the manager, who do they report to, and what level of insight does the manager have in the role? Approximately how many employees, what type of product or service line, how is the work organised? Up to 100 words, not directly assessed, but this will provide the background for most of the remaining aspects of the report.
Job description: A job description that results from your job analysis, tailored to your organisation, not simply copied from the internet.To Appendix #1.Word count as required.
Recruitment strategy, advertising/recruitment plan and budget: What is your recruitment strategy for this vacancy? How many applicants might you expect? Where will you advertise or otherwise promote the role, for how long? What other forms of recruitment might you use? Estimate costs. Up to 300 words.
Draft Recruitment Advertisement: Draft the advertisement that will be used to attract applicants.To Appendix #2. Word count as required.
Selection criteria: From your job description, select six to eight key or essential criteria to make your selection decisions for the role. Then add another two to four desirable criteria in case you have more applicants than anticipated and need to further discriminate between good applicants.
Decision making matrix:Writeyour essential and desired selection criteria into the selection matrix template provided, and indicate which assessment method/s you will use for each. Briefly describe each selection method.UseSelection Decision MakingTemplate providedas Appendix #3. Word count as required.
Psychometric assessment: Include at least one psychometric assessment in your selection matrix, or justify why not for this role. Provide justification and estimates on the psychometric assessment/s you have chosen: Price/cost, timing, administration method, source and if appropriate, the minimum acceptable cutoff level. Up to 200 words.
Interview plan: Who will conduct what interview/s? Provide three to five interview questions for the interviewers to help them discriminate between candidates. Provide sample responses with scoring key for two of those interview questions. Word count as required.
Decision making strategy and criteria:What decision making process will you use? Multiple regression, multiple cutoffs, multiple hurdles or some combination? Why? Describe your method of deciding who will be first offered this role, who and how a second offer will be made if the first offer is declined, and so on. What is your plan if no candidates meet your criteria? Up to 150 words.
Reference check: What is your plan for reference checking? Who will conduct the reference check? At what stage in the selection process will reference checks be conducted? How will the check be conducted, what will be asked and/or recorded? Provide a template for the reference checker in Appendix #4. Word count as required.
Sustainability: Through all parts of the report, describe and justify what sustainability practices will (or will not) be incorporated into your plan.
Appendices not included in word count Not included in the word count, the appendix in your single document submission, needs to contain:
1.Job description
2.Job advertisement
3.Selection decision making template
4.Reference check template. Length and presentation: The maximum report length is 2,000 words, excluding appendices and any references. All parts of your project should be included in the one Word document, clearly labelled by section number. Include the word count at the end of report. Presentation style should be as a professional report that could be provided to a client. Do not provide a table of contents or add stylistic elements to your report.
Writing style: The report should be written in business narrative style, as though to an HR or line manager. The report will be evaluated for discriminatory language, clarity of expression and overall presentation including grammar, spelling and punctuation. Do not use casual language (or bracketed comments). Due dates, late submissions and special consideration Due: The report is to be submitted electronically through Turnitin by midnight on the Friday of Week 12 but may be submitted earlier. Because all the information you require is available from the first day of this unit, it is highly unlikely an extension will be granted to any student for this assignment. Students are strongly advised to commence work on this assignment early in the semester.
Late Submissions of Assessments:Unless an application forSpecial Considerationhas been submitted and approved,a5% penalty (of the total possible mark) will be applied each day a written assessment is not submitted, up until the 7th day (including weekends). After the 7th day, a grade of ‘0’ will be awarded even if the assessment is submitted. Submission time for all written assessments is set at 11.55pm. A 1-hour g
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Recruitment and Selection Plan
The company is a small, privately held technology firm with approximately 50 employees. The company is headquartered in Sydney, Australia, and has offices in Melbourne and Brisbane. The company’s core business is the development and sale of software applications. The company is growing rapidly, and is looking to hire a new procurement manager.
Job Description
The procurement manager will be responsible for all aspects of the company’s procurement function. This includes sourcing, negotiating, and managing contracts with suppliers. The procurement manager will also be responsible for developing and implementing procurement policies and procedures. The procurement manager will report to the Director of Operations.
Recruitment Strategy
The company will use a variety of methods to recruit for the procurement manager position. These methods will include:
Online job postings
Networking with industry contacts
Attending industry events
Advertising in trade publications
The company expects to receive approximately 50 applications for the position.
Selection Criteria
The following are the essential selection criteria for the procurement manager position:
Bachelor’s degree in business administration or a related field
5+ years of experience in procurement
Strong negotiation skills
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Ability to work independently and as part of a team
Ability to work under pressure
The following are desirable selection criteria for the procurement manager position:
Master’s degree in business administration
Experience in the technology industry
Experience with SAP or another procurement software system
Decision Making Matrix
The following is a decision making matrix that will be used to evaluate candidates for the procurement manager position.
Selection Criteria Weight Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate 3
Bachelor’s degree in business administration or a related field 20% Yes Yes Yes
5+ years of experience in procurement 30% Yes Yes No
Strong negotiation skills 20% Yes Yes Yes
Excellent written and verbal communication skills 10% Yes Yes Yes
Ability to work independently and as part of a team 10% Yes Yes Yes
Ability to work under pressure 10% Yes Yes Yes
Psychometric Assessment
The company will use a psychometric assessment to assess candidates for the procurement manager position. The psychometric assessment will measure candidates’ cognitive ability, personality traits, and work style preferences.
Interview Plan
The company will conduct two rounds of interviews for the procurement manager position. The first round of interviews will be conducted by the Director of Operations. The second round of interviews will be conducted by a panel of senior managers.
The first round of interviews will focus on the candidate’s qualifications and experience. The second round of interviews will focus on the candidate’s fit for the company culture and their ability to perform the job duties.
Decision Making Strategy and Criteria
The company will use a multiple hurdle decision making strategy to select the procurement manager. This means that candidates must meet all of the essential selection criteria in order to be considered for the position.
The company will also use a scoring system to evaluate candidates. Candidates will be scored on each of the selection criteria. The candidate with the highest overall score will be selected for the position.
Reference Check
The company will conduct reference checks on all of the final candidates for the procurement manager position. The reference checks will be conducted by the Director of Operations.
The company is committed to sustainability. As part of this commitment, the company will source all of the materials for the procurement manager position from sustainable sources. The company will also recycle all of the materials used in the recruitment and selection process.