Posted: March 2nd, 2022
Academic Success Plan
We’ve learned about many topics in ALS 116. Part 1 is an opportunity to focus on specific concepts that
resonated for you this term. In Part 1, your goal is to draft an academic success plan specific to you.
You’ll create a plan for 3 areas of academic success:
• Preparing to learn
• Study skills for active learning
• Mental habits
Part 1 Process
1. Choose a single topic/concept for each area. That is, you’ll talk about 3 different concepts total.
For example, you might talk about time management in the “Preparing to Learn” section, about
distribute practice in “Study Skills for Active Learning,” and about willpower in “Mental Habits.”
2. Explain what the concept is and its relationship to academic success. Quote and cite relevant
course material (e.g., readings, videos, strategy tools, discussion boards, module pages,
handouts, etc.) to explain the concept and its connection to academic success.
3. Explain why you chose to focus on this topic given your academic success. Use “I” and provide
examples from your experience and observations from class to help us understand why you
chose to focus on this concept.
4. Describe 2 specific actions related to this concept that you will use to be successful in the
future. For example, if talking about distributed practice, one action would be scheduling time
every other day to study for two weeks before each exam. Another action would be naming the
activities you’ll use for each study session prior to studying.
5. Explain why these strategies will work for you. Think about what you know about your personal
experience, habits, strengths, etc. when providing your rationale for choosing these actions.
Part 1: Strategies for Success – 4 pages
The Academic Success Plan is your capstone experience for this class (ALS 116). The purpose of the
plan is to synthesize your knowledge from and experience with the course. To that end, this
assignment asks you to demonstrate understanding of course concepts, describe strategies you’ll use
in the future to be successful, and reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself.
In a 6 page double-spaced paper, you’ll create a plan based on course concepts (Part 1) and reflect upon
your overall experience in this class (Part 2). This paper is about you! Use “I” and “me” throughout,
addressing concepts as they relate your experience and future success. You need to cite course material,
and can draw upon any materials from the term (e.g., readings, videos, discussions, assignments, etc.)
Now that you’ve created your plan, in Part 2, you’ll reflect on your experience overall. Be specific and
provide examples and explanation throughout as you respond to the following prompts:
1. What have you learned about yourself and your academics in the past 10 weeks of ALS 116?
2. Have you changed in any way, or have you surprised yourself in any way?
3. Given what you’ve learned about yourself, what are 2 specific goals for your future academic
4. Why these specific goals? What do they mean to you?
• 1” margins
• 12pt font
• Double-spaced
• Use bold headings before sections (e.g., Preparing to Learn)
It’s important for me to understand when you’re explaining your thinking and when you’re referencing a
course content to support your discussion. Be sure to signal the differences between your thinking and
sources by including citations in your Academic Success Plan.
Please do not re-use material from past ALS 116 assignments. Feel free to use assignments to spark your
thinking, or reference activities/assignments in your discussion, but do not copy/paste material.
Sources you might use in
your plan
What to remember
Readings (book or PDF) • Use author’s name or organization and page number when
available for citation (Doyle & Zakrajsek 23) (APA 2)
Videos • Use author or organization name for citation (Marcu) (LSU)
Canvas modules/pages • Use course for citation (ALS 116)
Possible Topics in 3 Success Areas
While these are not the only topics you could write about, this list can get your thinking started.
Preparing to Learn Study Skills for Active Learning Mental Habits
• Time management
• Sleep, naps, and breaks
• Prioritization
• Exercise
• Attention
• Metacognition
• Previewing a reading
• Active reading
• Note-taking
• Memory
• Study cycle
• Active studying
• Elaboration
• Distributed practice
• Self-testing/retrieval
• Self-Awareness
• Metacognition
• Locus of control
• Willpower
• Procrastination
• Bloom’s Taxonomy
Part 2: Reflection – 2 pages
• 6pages
Academic Success Plan Scoring Guide
Area of Evaluation Meets or exceeds requirements (7-6
Meets some requirements (5.5-4.5 points) Needs development (<4 points)
Part 1: Preparing to
• Plan explains one course concept
(“what”), connects concept to academic
success, and explains your rationale for
focusing on this concept (“why,”)
• Quotes and cites relevant course
material to support discussion
• Plan describes 2 specific actions (“how”)
and rationale for choices (“why”)
• Uses specific examples, draws support
from personal experience observation
• Course concepts may be mentioned
briefly or without explanation and/or
connection to academic success
• Actions, rationale, or approach are
included but may be broad/vague
• References to course materials are brief
or broad and need additional
explanation to connect to plan
• Personal experience/observation is
broad, needs specifics to connect to plan
• Plan of action is unclear, is missing
multiple elements of “what,” “why,” or
“how,” or includes minimal information
about each
• Course concepts are mentioned but are
not used to support plan
• References to course material and
personal experience/observation are
minimal, infrequent, or not included
Part 1: Study Skills
for Active Learning
Same as above Same as above Same as above
Part 1: Mental Habits
Same as above Same as above Same as above
Part 2: Reflection
• Responds to all prompting questions
• Maintains focus on relevant information
• Includes explanations of thinking
• Uses specific examples to support
• Focuses on self and personal experience,
reflection, observation, and learning
• Responds to most prompting questions
• Response at times becomes general,
broad, or digresses from focus
• Writing is on-topic but does not offer
specific examples to support
response/explanation of thinking
• May speak generally at times about
“students” rather than self
• Minimally engages with prompting
questions or is off-topic
• Response is brief and speaks broadly
without specific examples
• Speaks broadly throughout about
students generally rather than self
Formatting &
• 1” margins
• 12 pt font
• Double-spaced
• Headings organize content
• Citations included for all sources
• Proofread; errors do not impede
• 3 or more elements of formatting are
incorrect, but length requirements met
when formatted correctly
• Citations are included but inconsistent
• Proof-reading errors do not impede
• Formatting is largely inconsistent with
assignment requirements
• Does not meet page length requirements
when formatted correctly
• Citations are not included
• Proof-reading errors make
understanding content difficult
• 6 pages