Posted: November 19th, 2022
AS1 Critical Literature Review 1,500 words
Critical Literature Review
What is the most effective management of osteoporosis in the elderly?
AS1 Critical Literature Review 1,500 words.
The assignment for this module is in two parts (C- pass grade minimum grade).
Assessment Activity:
Learning Outcomes Weighting (%)
Code Assessment Type Assessment Deliverables
AS1 Critical Literature Review 1, 500-word literature review a, b. 40
Learning Outcomes:
a) Critically evaluate a range of research paradigms and underpinning philosophies
b) Critically review the design of published research, and reported data including practical and ethical considerations
Assessment Dates:
First Submission (via Turnitin) Publication 2nd Submission
(via Turnitin) Publication
07.12.22 11.01.23 15.02.23 15.03.23
This assignment takes the form of a critical literature review. It involves a thorough, careful, and systematic study of relevant literature. The purpose of this is not to generate new data but to explore, critically evaluate and synthesise findings from the existing research and literature available on the chosen topic (no primary data collection is required for this assessment).
It enables you to critically evaluate a range of research paradigms and underpinning philosophies (learning outcome a), and critically review the design of published research, and reported data including practical and ethical considerations (learning outcome b). It is an academic essay and should be written in 3rd person.
This assessment will be marked and moderated using a postgraduate rubric, informed by the learning outcomes, with feedback available on submitted text and in the summary section on Turnitin. This will be made available to you following publication within the Feedback and grades section on your module NILE site.
Assessment Task:
Start by developing a research question and a topic on your chosen area of interest. Then select a total of four studies conducted around your topic – two quantitative and two qualitative studies for your critical review.
-A brief background knowledge of your chosen topic.
-Introduce the selected articles (including the authors’ names)
-Identify the purpose in which the articles were written.
-Identify the purpose and structure of your critical review.
-This section should be very brief.
Critical Review
-Provide a balanced argument of the strengths and weaknesses of the research design and methodology of the articles. Was the methodology and methods appropriate for the research problem?
-How did the researchers overcome limitations in the methods?
-What research philosophy underpin the methodology?
-Also critically review the validity and reliability of the results and how they were interpreted. Are the conclusions/claims valid and justified?
–Justify your critique by underpinning your arguments with evidence from the literature.
-Synthesise the findings from the articles and relate them to the wider literature.
-Consider implication of the findings to public health policy and practice.
-Provide a brief summary of the main points that you have made and re-affirm your position.
-Suggest potential improvements to the research and provide recommendations for further research
-Include a list of the references used to support your arguments.
-References should follow the recommended UoN Harvard referencing guide: