Posted: January 31st, 2022
As if your own job in the central office is not burdensome enough,
As if your own job in the central office is not burdensome enough, the Director of Public Relations has a new task for you. She plans to prepare a lengthy article for the local newspapers in which she will defend certain approaches being used in the district. Because you are familiar with all of them, she wants your input. You know that teachers are using best practices and achieving measurable results with several strategies and programs. Generate a document that provides a rationale for each of the components below and provide examples of how teachers are utilizing (or could be) them:
critical thinking components in all lesson plans and units
classroom environments that foster creativity
a character education approach that is directly linked to the culture of the classroom and the school
teacher accountability and the standards-based curriculum
teaching skillfully (See Chapter 18) and thinking skillfully (See Chapter 20)
As if your position in the central office wasn’t already stressful enough, the Director of Public Relations has assigned you a new assignment. She intends to write a lengthy essay for the local press in which she will defend some of the district’s practices. She wants your opinion because you are familiar with all of them. You are aware that instructors are employing best practices and achieving demonstrable results through a variety of tactics and programs. Create a document that provides a rationale for each of the components listed below, as well as examples of how teachers are using (or could be using) them:
All lesson plans and units include critical thinking components.
Creative learning environments in the classroom
a kind of character education that is intimately related to the