Posted: February 17th, 2022
as below
Due Date:
Submit as Microsoft Word file attachment in Canvas by Thursday, December 14th at 11:59pm
Determination of Grades:
Papers receiving a final grade in the “A” range will be, simply put, exemplary. That is, they will be well written in maintaining coherence from point-to-point, sentence-to-sentence, paragraph-to-paragraph. The “A” paper will have rare to no grammatical errors in spelling, punctuation, and the like. In my experience, conferencing with me about drafts of your paper before the due date make achieving this more likely.
Papers receiving a final grade in the “B” range will be, for lack of a better word, good. They will be generally well written but have some minor issues with maintaining coherence, stating and supporting ideas, and making transitions from one idea to another. In addition, the “B” paper will have some infrequent grammatical errors.
Papers receiving a final grade in the “C” range will be simply adequate. They will display some inconsistency in supporting their ideas and maintaining coherence throughout, and will have more frequent grammatical errors while still being of good enough writing quality to make their points discernible.
Papers receiving a final grade of “D” will be of the required length, but have significant enough issues in the areas described above to make their overall points indiscernible due to inconsistency and poor writing.
Failing papers will be those not meeting the minimum requirements of the assignment as laid out in this prompt.
========================== TOPICS ==========================
“Ethics and the New Genetics” (132–142)
“Faith and Diplomacy” (34–44)
“AIDS, Inc.” (151–163)
“Once Upon a Quinceanera” (45-63)
“It Gets Better and Action Makes it Better” (425-433)
Week 5
“After Life” (Posted on Canvas, 87-102)
Week 6
T 3 Oct “Ghetto Bitches, China Dolls, and Cha Cha Divas” (396-409);
“Preface and The New Civil Rights” (551-560)
“Making Conversation and The Primacy of Practice” (75-83)
“Community and Diversity” (322-329)
“False Identifications: Minority Populations Mourn Diana” (Posted on Canvas, 453-476) “What’s Black, Then White, and Said All Over” (434-449)
“Human Dignity” (184-195)
======================= END OF TOPICS =======================