Posted: November 19th, 2022
ARTS2093 Social Media
ARTS2093 Social Media
• Referencing: Since the exam questions are problem-based questions and are not
intended as a research task, you are not required to do extensive research as you
would for an essay task. Instead, the focus should be on your own ideas and the
concepts that we have covered in the course. You must, however, not plagiarise other
people’s material
• Open-book exam: This is an open-book exam, meaning that you can access external
• Questions: This is two questions which are all worth the same amount.
Each answer should be a maximum of 1250 words. References are not included in
this word count.
o External references: If you do refer to other people’s concepts you need to
cite these as you would in an essay, and this included concepts from the
theorists that we have covered in the course.
o Course content: General concepts from my lectures (where I have not
included a citation myself to another theorist) are ok to use without a citation
to my lecture.
• Source material: One of the questions requires you to use social media examples.
Please include a screen capture of each of your examples. You do not need to
formally cite the source in the references; just mention that it is a source in brackets
e.g. (Source 1).
• Submission: You must submit your work by the due date and time through Turnitin.
You don’t need to write out the question in your answer. Just label your answers with
the question number.
Question 1 – Maximum word count 1250 words.
Use the concepts of ‘imagined audience’, ‘amplified ordinariness’ and ‘intimate objects’ that we have
learnt about in the course to explain the visual and textual choices that being made in the following
Instagram post. Your answer should explore the meanings made in the visual image, the caption, and
the hashtags.
Question 2 – Maximum word count 1250 words.
The visual structure of the Instagram image in Question 1 is often used by influencers, both with and
without the photographer’s body parts or shadow/reflection visible in the image. Pick one example
each from two different influencers and explain why these images are effective in communicating
their message (e.g. to buy the products displayed). You can use any social media platform you wish,
and the influencers can be from any domain (e.g. beauty, fashion, parenting etc.). Your answer should
draw on the concept of ‘calibrated amateurism’ that we learnt about in the course.
Marking criteria
For each question you will be assessed on the extent to which your answer meets the following 3
• Expression: The extent to which your writing is fluent, concise, and coherent.
• Argument: The extent to which your argument is clear, logical, and directly answers the
• Concepts: The extent to which you demonstrated a grasp of key concepts and used them to
answer the question.
These criteria are explained in relation to each grade (Fail, Pass, Credit, Distinction, and High
Distinction) in the rubric on the following page which will be used to mark your work.
The extent to
which your
writing is
fluent, concise,
and coherent
Incoherent and
poorly written.
problematic in
style and/or
grammar and
Investigating the social advantages platforms for media
W7: Aesthetics in everyday life
• In digital scrapbooking,…..the blogger’scraps’ a post from another blogger.
source from their unfolding post feed to create a new and coherent textual
artefact. Scraped content is frequently visual images, most notably social media.
photography for the media
•…., as Potter (2012) proposes, is a multidimensional authoring process.
involves gathering, cataloguing, arranging, and assembling items for exhibition and display
displaying, and so on.
• Why do Zappavigna and Zhao refer to Tumblr and Pinterest pages?
What are “digital scrapbooks”?
The fundamental semiotic practice is the same—’scrap’. What exactly is “scrapped”?
Using social media terminology, ‘blogged’ or ‘posted’ refers to visual artifacts.
from a variety of sources
• What exactly is everyday aesthetics, and how can it be attained?
The process by which the ordinary can be elevated to the extraordinary
• What is heightened ordinariness?
The curatorial principle that guided the selection of these photos [for Tumblr]
Flickr, etc.] is that they focus our attention on the small and mundane.
• How can photos in digital scrapbooks be used to make everyday items?
Aesthetics/exaggerated ordinariness?
1) The fictitious subject
2) The personal object
3) The touching present
The envisioned subject:
• Is an inferred selfie—a type of selfie in which body parts such as
as hands or legs indicate the photographer’s presence (Zhao & Zappavigna,
2018, p. 12).
• The ordinary experience of reading or drinking coffee is enhanced.
intensive and technologically mediated self-gaze
• The intimate object: Examine the image!
• These objects are frequently photographed from a ‘aerial’ perspective. While conventional aerial
Aerial shots are used to capture landscapes from airborne devices.
Viewpoint on objects/food is a semiotic resource for developing a specific
‘Interpersonal meaning,’ also known as the intimate object.
• Intimate objects are another important semiotic resource for creating everyday objects.
aesthetics. What is important in this type of image is not the truthfulness of
representation, but the extent to which an image can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary
An aerial shot of everyday objects like coffee is also something extraordinary.
As previously stated, implies the focused gaze of an imagined subject.
to sit up straight and bend our neck in order to see our
From this vantage point, you can see food or coffee. Because of this vigilance
We form an intimate relationship with the object when we gaze.
This intimacy is then captured and amplified by the
photograph taken digitally
• The touching present:
• Using filters to manipulate various
visual parameters, in a manner similar to
traditional photographic filters (indicative of
photography on film).
• Filters can be used to render the documented information.
to make the moment more ‘poignant,’ and to make the
image that is less banal (evokes the fading of an old
photograph taken over time). As a result, aesthetically
more cherished and valued
• How can filters help with social networking?
What about bonding and group membership?
The three most important aesthetic values of digital scrapbooks and the visual arts
semiotic resources for their creation:
Visual semiotic resource with aesthetic value
The fictitious subject implied selfie
Aerial angle of the intimate object
Filters is a moving present.
• What role does digital scrapbooking play in representing ambient aesthetics?
• The social nature of digital aesthetics is referred to as ambient aesthetics.
experience, that is, a shared aesthetic experience shared by all social groups
users of social media, and created through collective participation in social media
practices, whether as a digital producer, viewer, or curator
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