Posted: March 5th, 2022
Art History
AR300 Art History
Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.
Part A Briefly define art history as an academic field based on your understanding of the readings in the textbook Introduction. Next, discuss two of the natural and human threats to artworks that concern contemporary art historians. Provide specific examples of threats, the artworks involved, and how these threats affect the interpretation of the works by art historians. Your discussion should be based on the information in the textbook Introduction and throughout the textbook and lecture readings of the first four (4) lessons.
Part B Explain the construction of megalithic architecture and dome building, tracing its history from pre-historic art to the Renaissance. Begin your discussion describing the architectural innovations of the tomb in Newgrange, Ireland and connect these innovations with subsequent examples of the tholos tombs in Greece, to the Pantheon in Rome and conclude with the Florence Cathedral. Your discussion should include a definition of terms you use as defined in the textbook readings and demonstrate an understanding of the connections these buildings have in common.
Works of architecture to include in your Part B discussion:
1. Tomb, Newgrange, Ireland. c. 3000-2500 BCE. Located on page 29 in the textbook.
2. Interior of tholos tomb, Mycenae, Greece. c. 1300-1200 BCE. Located on page 100 in the textbook.
3. Pantheon, Rome. 110-128 CE. Located on page 148 and 149 in the textbook.
4. Filippo Brunelleschi, Dome of Florence Cathedral. 1420-1436 CE. Located on page 307 of the textbook.
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
25 Points20 Points15 Points10 Points
Student provides a clear,
logical definition of art
history and identifies
two or more natural and
human threats to
artworks, provides
artwork examples and
the implications of these
threats to art historians.
Student provides a
mostly clear, logical
definition of art history
and identifies two
natural and human
threats to artworks,
provides artwork
examples and the
implications of these
threats to art historians,
though may not fully
develop all concepts.
Student provides a
weak or unclear
definition of art history
and/or identifies only
one natural and human
threat to artworks,
overlooks artwork
examples and/or the
implications of these
threats to art historians,
thus does not include
complete development
of all concepts.
Student provides a
poor discussion or no
inclusion of any of
these elements of the
assignment: defintion
of art history;
discussion of the
human threats to
artworks; provides no
examples of artworks;
or the implications of
the threats to art
25 Points20 Points15 Points10 Points
Student provides a clear
and logical discussion of
the two tomb
architectural artworks
including a definition of
terms as found in the
textbook and
demonstrates an
excellent understanding
of the architectural
innovations discussed by
the student.
Student provides a
mostly clear and logical
discussion of the two
tomb architectural
artworks including a
definition of terms as
found in the textbook.
Student demonstrates
some understanding of
the architectural
innovations described
and defined, but does
not fully develop all
concepts of the
Student provides a
weak or unclear
understanding of the
innovations leading to
the creation of the
dome as discussed in
the textbook relating to
the two tomb artworks.
Student demonstrates
some understanding,
but overall does not
provide evidence of a
good understanding of
the concepts of the
Student provides a
poor discussion of the
innovations of the two
artworks. This may
include not defining
the terms or
demonstrating a poor
understanding of the
terms and architectural
innovations leading to
the creation of the
25 Points20 Points15 Points10 Points
Student provides a clear
and logical discussion of
the two dome artworks
including a definition of
terms as found in the
textbook and
demonstrates an
excellent understanding
of the architectural
innovations discussed by
the student.
Student provides a
mostly clear and logical
discussion of the two
dome artworks including
a definition of terms as
found in the textbook.
Student demonstrates
some understanding of
the architectural
innovations described
and defined, but does
not fully develop all
concepts of the
Student provides a
weak or unclear
understanding of the
innovations of the
dome as discussed in
the textbook relating to
the two dome artworks.
Student demonstrates
some understanding,
but overall does not
provide evidence of a
good understanding of
the concepts of the
Student provides a
poor discussion of the
innovations of the two
dome artworks. This
may include not
defining the terms or
demonstrating a poor
understanding of the
terms and architectural
innovations of the
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student does not make
any errors in grammar or
spelling, especially those
that distract the reader
from the content.
Student makes 1-2 errors
in grammar or spelling
that distract the reader
from the content.
Student makes 3-4
errors in grammar or
spelling that distract the
reader from the
Student makes more
than 4 errors in
grammar or spelling
that distract the reader
from the content.
15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points
The paper is written in
proper APA and
organizational format.
Student uses the
textbook and/or lecture
notes as resources. All
quotes and facts are cited
correctly. Excellent
organization, including a
variety of thoughtful
The paper is written in
proper format with only
1-2 errors. Student uses
the textbook and/or
lecture notes as
resources. All quotes
and facts are cited
correctly. Adequate
organization includes a
variety of appropriate
The paper is written in
proper format with only
3-5 errors. Outside
sources are used for
quotes and facts and are
credible and cited
correctly. Essay is poorly
organized, but may
include a few effective
The paper is not
written in proper
format. Many sources
used for quotes and
facts are less than
credible (suspect)
and/or are not cited
correctly. Essay is
disorganized and does
not include effective
Format – APA
Transitions (15
Part A (25
Points): Analyzes
art history as an
discipline and
natural and
human threats to
Part B (25
Points): Define
and summarize
the architectural
innovations that
lead to the
creation of the
dome in the
tombs and tholos
Part B (25
Points): Define
and summarize
the architectural
specific to the
dome as seen in
the Pantheon in
Rome and the
Mechanics (10