Posted: September 5th, 2023
arguementative essay
Obesity is a widespread epidemic in the United States. While Michael Bloomberg was the
mayor of New York, he was on a quest to limit the size of sugary drinks being sold in New York.
Eventually, the court overruled his ban on soft drinks. Does this set a precedence where the
federal government can dictate what individuals can or cannot consume? Is this a violation of our
inalienable rights as put forth in the Constitution? Or does the government know best?The essay must consist of a minimum of five well-developed paragraphs and no less than two
typed pages. Since you are arguing/debating a point, you must use facts, as well as opinions, to
support your topic. The facts and support for your argument must be cited in MLA format, and
the paper must contain a work’s cited page indicating the sources used (must have a minimum of
two sources). The thesis statement must be stated and the paper must be written in third person
point-of- view. Papers should be double-spaced and use Times New Roman, 12-point font with
1-inch margins. In the top left corner (not in the “header”), you should include your first and last
name, my first and last name, the date, ENC 1101 and Take Home Essay # 2. The title, which
should be original, must be centered but NOT italicized, bolded, underlined, in a different font
size, or in quotation marks; also, capitalize the first letter of the important words in your title.
Insert your last name and page numbers as a “header” in the top right corner of each additional
page. You will need to print out your essay and turn it in to me at the beginning of class on the
due date for full credit. You may print your essay on both sides of the paper. The penalty for late
papers is 10 points per day it is late (excluding weekends). As a reminder, since this is a formal
writing assignment, do not use contractions, slang, and/or write as if you are speaking to