Posted: November 23rd, 2022
APRN Employment Contract Critique
APRN Employment Contract Critique
Students will locate a sample FNP employment contract and will review and analyze the contract according to the outline criteria: (FIND THE CONTRACT TO CRITUQUE ATTACHED)
• Scope of services to be performed and population (pediatrics, geriatrics, family, etc.)
• Compensation
o Travel compensation
o Gas/mileage
o Cancellations
o On call time
o Bonuses
• Duration of employment
• How the agreement can be altered or updated
• Responsibility for maintaining and paying for credentials
• Benefits
o Time off and expenses for continuing education
o Vacation time
o Paid conferences or CME
• Restriction on competition
• Reasons for termination
• Extent of support service to be offered to the NP
• Expectations regarding the number of patients seen per day
• Expectations regarding non-clinical work to be done by NP
• Release to the NP of the NPs quality performance as measured by health plan auditors
This should be an APA formatted paper, and the above items should be listed as section headings where the student or group will give a brief critique under each section of the contract, using the weekly readings as guidance for the critique. As with any scholarly paper, there should be an introduction and conclusion. There should be evidence of analysis (not simply reporting the facts about the contract) by means of comparing some items (i.e. salary) to national or regional norms. Some of the sections may be combined. If the contract is missing a section, note this in the critique. Include the sample contract in the Appendix, and please remove all identifiers if using a real contract from a colleague or preceptor.