Posted: July 7th, 2022
Applying Developmental Theories
Applying Developmental Theories
Create a brief, fictional description of a student who is struggling in school. Include the student’s name, grade level, and area of struggle. You may include additional information to provide context for your fictional student if necessary.
Two appropriate citation references from the course textbooks must be made in the current APA format in your initial thread. You must include 1 paragraph for each question in the prompt. You do not need to include citations and references in your response postings; however, if you do cite from a source, you must have the citation and reference. The first person is allowed in your posts.
Explain how Piaget’s developmental theory could be used to support the student.
Explain how Vygotsky’s developmental theory could be used to support the student.
Which theory provides the most appropriate support for the student you described? Why?
Gutek Philosophical, Ideological, and Theoretical Perspectives on Education, 2nd Edition