Posted: April 20th, 2022
Apply Concepts of Professional Writing to Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, and Editing.
Work one
Apply Concepts of Professional Writing to Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, and Editing.
Below are two professional emails. Read through each of the emails copy and paste them to a Word Document. Edit them utilizing the Review tab in Microsoft Word. Please review each email, finding all errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and professionalism.
After you have completed editing and revising the email, pick one of the two and re-write the email so that it is free of all spelling, grammar and content errors and is professional and informative.
Email #1
From: Tricia Marcus
To: Allison Brown
Subject: Today’s Meeting
Hey Allison!
I am looking forward to seeing you today for our meeting. I’ve attached the materials needed for our discussion. Let me know if you have any questions.
Tricia Marcus
Marketer Extraordinaire
(555) 545-5656
“Be so good they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin
Email #2
To: Bob Pope
From: Gabrielle Mendes
Subject: Job?
Hey Bob, We talked a couple weeks back at the chamber of commerce event. (I was the one looking for a summer internship and had a zit on my lip that could have passed for a cold soar. Lol. Whew. It was not. You’re probably like, “uh.. What?” Maybe that helps you recall, maybe not. Not completely important, I suppose.
I’d really like to come work for you at your IT business. You seemed like a cool person to work for, I liked ur striped pants. I’m available to start working on Monday, but I am taking my driver’s test in June and have to study and go an hour and half away to take it at an easier place cause I’m not a great driver so I’ll miss a few days. I am also going to the beach with friends for a week in July. Oh, and my grandmother has bad gas (OMG IT’S TERRIBLE) and sometimes I have to take her to the doctor.
I’ve attached my resume, it’s the bomb dot com. Let me know if you have a job opening for me. I can’t wait to play on some computers. If I don’t respond to your email, I’m always on FB, snapchat or insta!
Peace out,
Gabrielle Mendes
Work Two
• Analyze Communication Theories and Skills for Developing Professional Documents and Oral Presentations for Audiences in Diverse Communities and Disciplines
Creating a PowerPoint for a professional presentation is a great skill to learn, as most companies use PowerPoint for all different purposes.
For this assignment you will create a PowerPoint You will find a case study or a research project in the area you studying, use the library website to find your case study. It is recommended that you find a case study in the field you are studying, but any case study is fine for this presentation.
Your presentation will need to include slides on the following areas:
• Introduction to the case
• Methods used to conduct the research
• What was found (findings)
• How it was implemented
Creativity should be evident throughout the Power Point presentation. Treat this presentation as though you were presenting to an employer, all aspects of the Power Point will be assessed.
Feel free to use the notes section in PowerPoint if you would like to make any special presentation notations of how you would present your information.
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Work one
Apply Concepts of Professional Writing to Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, and Editing.
Below are two professional emails. Read through each of the emails copy and paste them to a Word Document. Edit them utilizing the Review tab in Microsoft Word. Please review each email, finding all errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and professionalism.
After you have completed editing and revising the email, pick one of the two and re-write the email so that it is free of all spelling, grammar and content errors and is professional and informative.
Email #1
From: Tricia Marcus
To: Allison Brown
Subject: Today’s Meeting
Hey Allison!
I am looking forward to seeing you today for our meeting. I’ve attached the materials needed for our discussion. Let me know if you have any questions.
Tricia Marcus
Marketer Extraordinaire
(555) 545-5656
“Be so good they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin
Email #2
To: Bob Pope
From: Gabrielle Mendes
Subject: Job?
Hey Bob, We talked a couple weeks back at the chamber of commerce event. (I was the one looking for a summer internship and had a zit on my lip that could have passed for a cold soar. Lol. Whew. It was not. You’re probably like, “uh.. What?” Maybe that helps you recall, maybe not. Not completely important, I suppose.
I’d really like to come work for you at your IT business. You seemed like a cool person to work for, I liked ur striped pants. I’m available to start working on Monday, but I am taking my driver’s test in June and have to study and go an hour and half away to take it at an easier place cause I’m not a great driver so I’ll miss a few days. I am also going to the beach with friends for a week in July. Oh, and my grandmother has bad gas (OMG IT’S TERRIBLE) and sometimes I have to take her to the doctor.
I’ve attached my resume, it’s the bomb dot com. Let me know if you have a job opening for me. I can’t wait to play on some computers. If I don’t respond to your email, I’m always on FB, snapchat or insta!
Peace out,
Gabrielle Mendes
Work Two
• Analyze Communication Theories and Skills for Developing Professional Documents and Oral Presentations for Audiences in Diverse Communities and Disciplines
Creating a PowerPoint for a professional presentation is a great skill to learn, as most companies use PowerPoint for all different purposes.
For this assignment you will create a PowerPoint You will find a case study or a research project in the area you studying, use the library website to find your case study. It is recommended that you find a case study in the field you are studying, but any case study is fine for this presentation.
Your presentation will need to include slides on the following areas:
• Introduction to the case
• Methods used to conduct the research
• What was found (findings)
• How it was implemented
Creativity should be evident throughout the Power Point presentation. Treat this presentation as though you were presenting to an employer, all aspects of the Power Point will be assessed.
Feel free to use the notes section in PowerPoint if you would like to make any special presentation notations of how you would present your information.
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Work on one skill
Apply Professional Writing Concepts to Prewriting, Draftinag, Revising, and Editing.
Here are two examples of professional emails. Read through each email and copy and paste it into a Word document. In Microsoft Word, use the Review tab to make changes. Please go over each email and look for any errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, or professionalism.
After you’ve finished editing and revising the email, choose one of the two and rewrite it so that it’s free of spelling, grammar, and content errors, as well as professional and informative.
Email No. 1
Tricia Marcus wrote the following:
Allison Brown,
Theme of Today’s Meeting
Hello, Allison!
I am excited to see you today for our meeting. I’ve attached all of the materials we’ll need for our discussion. Let
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