Posted: May 1st, 2022
Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment text to read the following:
350 words
Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment text to read the following:
Chapter 12, “Major Life Phases Influencing Human Behavior: Adolescence.”
In this chapter, you learn about adolescence as a critical and often difficult time when a person’s major tasks are to become intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and morally competent. In addition, adolescents need to develop critical life skills, such as communication, negotiation, cooperation, advocacy, decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, impulse control, as well as management of feeling and stress.
Use the Capella library to read or view the following:
Brunck, B. (2014). Howard Gardner and Katie Davis: The app generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 43(8), 1404–1407.Based on the unit readings, imagine how working with the youth of today might be different from even one generation ago. Brunck (2014) makes the point that “the array of apps on a young person’s smartphone or tablet is his or her identity.” The film Generation Like shares how social media is impacting identity development as never before. For this discussion, address the following:
Describe how social work with adolescents may be now and in the future. Reference any of your readings or viewings to make your points.
Describe how you might engage with an adolescent today. What will engagement look like? Will you communicate via texting, e-mails, Twitter, or Facebook? How might you assess the influence technology has on the presenting problem that has brought the adolescent to you?
350 characters
Read the following passages from the text Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment:
“Major Life Phases Influencing Human Behavior: Adolescence,” Chapter 12.
Adolescence is described in this chapter as a key and frequently challenging period during which a person’s main goals are to become academically, physically, emotionally, socially, and morally competent. Adolescents also need to learn important life skills like communication, negotiation, cooperation, advocacy, decision-making, problem-solving, critical thinking, impulse control, and stress management.
Read or watch the following in the Capella library:
B. Brunck (2014). Howard Gardner and Katie Davis: The app generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 43(8), 1404–1407. Based on the unit