Posted: November 2nd, 2022
Application of Open Source Intelligence to Counter ISIS
Convincing military paper on the use of OSINT to defeat ISIS, including pros and cons
Application of Open Source Intelligence to Counter ISIS
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) involves the gathering of information from Activists databases and other sources such as the media, internet, and commercial vendors of information among others and can be accessed publicly. The databases constitute the terrorist activities that have occurred for a given period of time. The open-source information does not require any technique of data collection but the access should meet the copyright of the vendors. According to the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) over 37000 incidences have been recorded since 1975, the incidents constitute the foiled attacks, counter-terror attacks and the successful terror attacks. The databases contain a wide range of materials that can be accessed easily and used for counter-terrorism.
OSINT constitutes of the unclassified information and therefore provide timely information concerning the current global issues (Culp, 2019). The collection of information has changed significantly due to advancement in technology. Therefore OSINT is important when conducting an assessment on closed organizations. The information from the ISIS sources helps the intelligence bodies to know the priorities, the ideological concerns and other critical changes helps in fighting the group. The information is available and can be accessed by the counter-terrorism agencies. Additionally, the utilization of the internet allows access to extremists’ website, international press, and commercial databases including satellite photography that are critical in fighting the ISIS.
Organizations for fighting ISIS use the OSINT data to collect, process and integrate including sharing to monitor the trends and social behaviour that helps in defeating the ISIS (Culp, 2019). The OSINT tools are used by defense analysts and other agencies to get a clear picture of the global threat environment which aids in predicting transactional threats caused by the ISIS. ISIS use online platforms to promote their ideologies. The group produce materials and use the internet to promote their propaganda and radicalization. The materials can be accessed by the security agencies and used for analysis monitoring of their activities. Therefore, OSINT is applied in countering the transactional terrorism for the ISIS group.
OSINT has advantages over other tools such as reliance on classified information. OSINT is used in outlining every action at each given stage. The information provided outlines social, cultural and political contexts. The tools provide the intelligence information without involving the experts or other secret methods (Speckhard & Shajkovci, 2019). OSINT sources are used in the verification of the possessed knowledge. The decision-makers are able to utilize all the sources available in the process of decision making. The information is free and can be accessed at any time. On the other hand, the cons include someone for gainful or malicious purpose can manipulate the available information. The data requires copyrights to access and use for intelligence purpose.
In conclusion, OSINT sources have become of significant importance due to their applicability and utilization in fighting against terrorism and other unlawful groups. The OSINT sources are used in providing timely information about the global trends and the activities of ISIS group. The OSINT data is collected, analysed and processed to deliver critical trends and behaviour of the ISIS group. The OSINT is free and fewer costs are involved in obtaining it. On the other hand, it can be manipulated by some individuals for gainful means or misused thereby compromising other data. Generally, OSINT is an import source of information that assists agencies in combatting the acts of terrorisms or other illegal groups such as ISIS. (2019). Open Source Intelligence. Retrieved December 30, 2019, from
Speckhard, A., & Shajkovci, A. (2019, August 13). Is ISIS Still Alive and Well on the Internet? – VOX – Pol. Retrieved from
Culp, R. B. (2019). Expert Perspectives on How the Islamic State Potentially Shaped the Future of Islamic Transnational Terrorism: An Exploratory Study (Dissertation).Walden University