Posted: February 19th, 2022
Application of Gospel-Centered Professionalism Standards for Christian
Application of Gospel-Centered Professionalism Standards for Christian
Business Programs in Law Enforcement
Application of Gospel-Centered Professionalism Standards for Christian
Business Programs in Law Enforcement
All law enforcement members abide by specific codes of conduct they pledge to upon employment. However, an individual’s behavior needs to be guided by law and ethics, and morals. As such, Kirkpatrick and Eason (2020, p.105), in the article, provide professionals specific guidelines they can borrow from a Christian perspective to guide them in maintaining professional standards. The authors emphasize the need for professionalism through five major standards: punctuality, the anticipation of problems, sending professionally appropriate e-mails, modest attire, and humility (Kirkpatrick & Eason 2020, p.109-111).
These attributes can be readily applied within the law enforcement field since they fall in line with some good law enforcement officers’ qualities. Firstly, during training, one of the first lessons officers learn is punctuality. From a Christian point of view, the authors emphasize the importance of respect for other people’s time while being aware of any selfishness; willingness to be punctual also highlights one’s readiness to serve others (Kirkpatrick & Eason 2020, p.110). Secondly, the anticipation of problems means that one should always understand that choices have consequences. Officers need to apply this standard, especially where discretion is a concern to have guided thoughts and actions as they carry out their duties.
Thirdly, sending appropriate e-mails stresses mostly on communication; officers always need to use appropriate language when carrying out their duties despite any resistance they may face when encountering a perpetrator. Fourth, since officer attire is modest in itself, law enforcement officers need to extend this modesty into their actions by fifth being humble in the way they handle situations. The excessive use of force is heavily discouraged (Kirkpatrick & Eason, 2020, p.112). As such, if an officer understands the moral-Christian impact of self-absorption and shows compassion, they can decrease the level of resistance they get from people and foster the reduction of crime.
Kirkpatrick, N., & Eason, C. C. (2020). Gospel-Centered Professionalism Standards for Christian Business Programs. Christian Business Academy Review, 15.