Posted: November 29th, 2022
Application In Information Security
Computer Sciences & Information Technology
Application In Information Security
From a Windows 10 command prompt, type eventvwr.msc and press Enter. This will open the Windows 10 Event Viewer. Explore the different logs and write a report summarizing your findings as they relate to host intrusion detection and event logging/auditing (for performance and security).
From a Windows 10 command prompt, type eventvwr.msc and press Enter. This will open the Windows 10 Event Viewer. Explore the different logs and write a report summarizing your findings as they relate to host intrusion detection and event logging/auditing (for performance and security).
The event viewer tool is used in summing up the event logs from the network system and the applications into an appropriate structure so that the troubleshoot problems can be analyzed and fixed. The intrusion detection system is used in securing networks from intrusions (Barath, 2017). The system will track and identify the attacks within the network then analyze them via the logs of the IDS systems. Thus, the event viewer could be used to track the events in three levels: the error logs, the warning logs and the information logs.
Through the event IDs, the system can communicate on the applications that are running hence improving the threat detection activities fundamental for security. The Event ID 4688 lists every process to be executed by the system and generated by a user. An example of that is when there is malware within the system then this event indicates that the process is being executed by the program. Events ID 5154 is used in generating a record when the Windows filtering platform allows the application to look into a port for incoming connections. Event ID 5156 displayed the record of when the Windows Filtering program allows the program to remotely or locally bind another process. Event ID 5158 occurs when a record is generated after a server or client application connects with the port (Barath, 2017). Event ID 4670 is used in identifying unauthorized access through observations in the change in file permissions. A record is generated when the user changes the access control list to an object. Event ID 1125 aids in monitoring failures related to the policy applications among other changes to the policy in Active directory.
The Windows firewall provided the line of defense considering a hacker could change the rules in order to obtain system access. Thus, the firewall logging feature could be used in checking the disabled port openings and aiding in analyzing the data packets on the route.
Baráth, J. (2017, October). Optimizing windows 10 logging to detect network security threats. In 2017 Communication and Information Technologies (KIT) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.