Posted: February 11th, 2022
Anthropology 110 response paper
write a 450-550 words response paper, specific requirements are uploaded.
Paragraph 1: What is the commons, according to Walljasper and IFG? Why is it relevant to today’s struggles and social movements, according to the authors?
Paragraphs 2-3: Please apply concepts written in Walljasper and IFG to analyze the movements discussed by Watt-Cloutier, McKibben, Foran, Patkar, Barlow and/or Szasz. Choose two movements from this section, and write one paragraph on each. Questions that you should answer include: What are the movements that you are analyzing? What is the goal or outcome that is being sought? What is being protected and/or reclaimed (include not only the physical but also the cultural, spiritual, psychological etc.)? How does this relate to the commons as you have defined it above? Are there any patterns you see between these stories?
Paragraphs 4-5: Please name two or more specific examples of commons in your own life that you would like to protect, reclaim and/or amplify. Please formulate a plan for protecting, reclaiming and/or increasing these commons. Choose two commons from your own life, and write one paragraph on each. Questions that you should answer include: What is it and why does it matter to you? Is it threatened, and if so how and by whom (be specific please)? What would you do to protect, reclaim and/or increase this commons if you were to take individual and/or collective action? Are there any groups or efforts underway doing this work? If so please cite them.
Bill McKibben’s Acceptance Speech for 2014 Right Livelihood Award:
Sheila Watt-Cloutier’s Acceptance Speech for 2015 Right Livelihood Award:
1991 Right Livelihood Award Laureate Medha Patkar and the Sardar Sarovar Dam: