Posted: October 20th, 2022
ANTH 140: Second Assignment
ANTH 140: Second Assignment Due: no later than 11:00 p.m.
Primate Conservation (20 points) on Friday 10/21/2022
The ANTH 140 second assignment for this class asks you to research five (5) or more reputable sources about a specific endangered species of prosimian or monkey of your choice (not an ape), then write a 2-3 page report on your findings. Your work must include a separate source page in APA format. The source page does not count as part of the total page requirement for this assignment. This assignment is worth 20 points.
IMPORTANT: Choose only ONE specific endangered species of prosimian or monkey for this assignment, NOT an entire genus or generalized group.
So How Do I Start?
• Read the “Primate Conservation” chapter for context information for this assignment. A link to this chapter can be found on the Second Assignment page directly above the assignment link.
• Choose an endangered species of prosimian or monkey to research for this assignment. Search the Internet and review several appropriate species before making your selection.
• Look up and read at least five different sources about this endangered non-human primate species.
o Sources for this assignment must be from .org or .edu or .gov sources (NO .com sources, no encyclopedia or Wikipedia sources). Make sure that your sources are recent!
• Create a source page that contains the full source citation in APA format for every source used to research information for your paper.
APA Source Citation Format:
Family name of author(s), followed by personal name initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of article. Publication, volume number (issue number), page numbers. DOI number (Digital Object Information number) if available.
Smithson, J. and Brittan, G. (2020). Endangered Bison bonasus. Bison Weekly, Vol. 2(issue 16), pp. 45-47.
Where the wild things are not. (2018). Animal Conservation. Retrieved 6/15/2021 from (this is not a real website!)
How to construct your paper:
o Introduce your chosen endangered species: name, location, physical and behavioral characteristics
o Describe the habitat and environment in which this endangered non-human primate is usually found
o Discuss the factors that contribute to the endangered status of your chosen species
o Review possible ways to mitigate the factors that contribute to the endangered status of your chosen species
o Conclude your report with your final thoughts about what you learned from this assignment
Format Requirements:
• Your name, title of assignment and date written must be in the top left corner of first page (NOTHING ELSE!).
• Double-spaced, 12-point font, written in English, minimum of two FULL pages or more.
• Indent the start of each new paragraph. No extra lines between paragraphs.
Every student must write their own, original work written specifically for this fall 2022 class, based on their individual understanding of the sources used in this assignment. DO NOT copy from any source or outsource construction of this paper. Use your own words and syntax to restate information that you personally learned from researching this paper.
Plagiarized papers will receive a score of “0”.
Please read this information about what constitutes plagiarism:
Plagiarism | University of Oxford
Plagiarism FAQs // Purdue Writing Lab
Grading Rubric
This assignment is worth 20 points: 15 points for addressing all aspects of the assignment prompt plus 5 points for complete and correctly formatted source page.
• Excellent work (score 18-20): Demonstrates thorough understanding of the articles through specific, detailed discussion. Analysis addresses all aspects of the assignment prompt. Conclusion is comprehensive and concise.
• Good work (score 16-17): Demonstrates moderate understanding of the topic through discussion, but lacks sufficient detail. Analysis addresses aspects of the assignment prompt, but is not thorough. Conclusion is adequate but not thorough.
• Adequate work (score 14-15): Demonstrates some understanding of the topic but lacks sufficient discussion. Annotations lack details and/or insufficient understanding of research information. Able to draw generic conclusion or missing conclusion.
• Not acceptable work (score 11 or below): Did not understand the assignment, did not ask for help.
• Plagiarized work or no assignment submitted: score of “0”