Posted: February 19th, 2022
Annotations: “Ad Implant False Memories” By Jonah Lehrer essay
Download the Microsoft Word file.
Annotate the article. Turn on Track Changes in Microsoft Word under the Review tab first.
Complete Step 1: Predict and Preview before you read.
Read a paragraph and then summarize (paraphrase) it in one sentence. In Microsoft Word, highlight the last word in the paragraph, and then click the Comment box and type your summary in the box.
Define all vocabulary words you don’t know. Type the definition directly in the sentence next to the word.
Highlight the main ideas in the text and underline the supporting details or interesting quotes/facts (annotate). Use the guide on the document for your annotations.
Complete the reading questions at the end.
Save your file onto your computer with the completed questions and annotations.
Resubmit your completed assignment by clicking on the link above and attaching your file.
You have two choices when completing this assignment. You can use the Track Changes in Microsoft Word to answer the questions and annotate, or you can download and print the file and hand write directly on the article. Then you can take a picture of your annotations and submit them when you are finished. Grading rubric:
Pre-reading 10
Summaries 40
Vocabulary 10
Annotating 20
Two post questions 20
Total 100
Works CitedLehrer, Jonah. “Ads Implant False Memories.” Wired. 25 May 20
The Microsoft Word document can be downloaded here.
Make notes on the article. First, go to the Review tab in Microsoft Word and turn on Track Changes.
Before you read, do Step 1: Predict and Preview.
Read a text and then summarize it in one sentence (paraphrase). Highlight the last word of the paragraph in Microsoft Word, then click the Comment box and put your summary in the box.
Define all unfamiliar vocabulary terms. Put the definition right next to the word in the sentence.
Underline the supporting information or relevant quotes/facts in the text and highlight the major points (annotate). For your annotations, use the document’s guidance.
At the end, answer the reading questions.
Save the file with the completed questions and annotations to your computer.