Posted: October 20th, 2022
Animals in the News
Animals in the News
15% of Final Grade
For this assignment, you will choose a news story that has been recently covered in the news (within the last year) as it relates to animals. You will summarize the story and analyze the political relevance including any laws, policies, or regulations that refer to your specific story. You will be required to incorporate one relevant theoretical perspective and at least one disciplinary approach listed below (introduced in Weekly Session #1 PowerPoint, and in chapter 1 of your textbook).
Your assignment must be 2-3 pages in length, double spaced, and referenced and cited in APA format. Create a proper cover page and reference page in accordance with APA formatting. You will be required to incorporate a minimum of two external reputable sources (inclusive of your chosen article). Please refer to the APA reference and citation help link within the ‘Assignments’ link on Blackboard.
Watch these three videos carefully before you start your research:
All assignments will be uploaded through Turnitin, which detects copied sources of information., or plagiarism. Because this is a research assignment, some amount of copied text, either through quotations or summaries, will be allowed. But in general around 80% of the words still need to be YOUR words. Turnitin will allow you to see your plagiarism score, so if you find it is too high (over 15-20%) then you can edit and improve your assignment then resubmit it. NOTE: you still must upload your assignment by the due date and time. All assignments will be sent to Turnitin, a program that checks for copied sources of information, or plagiarism. Since this is a research project, you can copy some text, either in the form of direct quotes or summaries. But in general, you still need to write about 80% of the words yourself. Turnitin lets you see your plagiarism score, so if it’s too high (more than 15–20%), you can fix and improve your assignment and submit it again. NOTE: You still have to upload your assignment by the due date and time.
Theories you can incorporate:
-Conflict Theory
-Symbolic Interactionism
Disciplinary Approaches you can incorporate:
-Cultural Anthropology
-Cultural Studies
-Gender Studies
-Women’s Studies
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Quality of Summary
(5 marks) Article summary is clear, detailed, and inclusive of all main ideas/points.
5-4 marks Article summary is clear, but missing some important information
3 marks Article summary is either incomplete, vague, or not provided. Key points are not addressed.
2-0 marks
Incorporation of Theory and Disciplinary Approach
(10 marks) A minimum of one theory and on disciplinary approach are clearly and accurately incorporated and elaborated on in relation to the article
10-8 marks One theory and one disciplinary approach are evident, but further elaboration/explanation is required
7-6 marks Theory and/or disciplinary approach are absent or loosely incorporated. Further elaboration is required.
5-0 marks
Incorporation of political relevance (incl. laws, policies, regulations)
(10 marks) Political relevance is accurately and clearly incorporated throughout
10-8 marks Political relevance is evident, but lacking in detail/insight in certain areas
7-6 marks Political relevance is loosely incorporated or missing altogether. Further detail is required.
5-0 marks
APA formatting
(5 marks) A minimum of three reputable sources are accurately incorporated, cited, and referenced in APA format
5-4 marks 2-3 reputable sources are incorporated, cited, and referenced in APA format with minor errors
3 marks Sources are either not reputable or missing, and/or APA format is incomplete, or made with errors.
2-0 marks