Posted: September 1st, 2023
Analyze the effectiveness of your leadership approach used in your role as change agent or consultant to lead your team
This week, you will evaluate the effectiveness of your leadership style when applied to problem-solving or a change opportunity. Bear in mind that this may have been your initial attempt to lead a team in a problem-solving scenario, or a change opportunity mode. Do not be hard on yourself! Even with all that you have learned, and what you know, it is not an easy task to lead a team of individuals with best intentions into uncharted waters. Give yourself credit for the courage it takes to try. Black belts take years to develop their skillset, and the intuition to know where to lead. You have only had 6 weeks!
As stated earlier, the truth is that very few CIP teams will solve a problem or address a change opportunity in their initial efforts. This is also true with your leadership efforts. It is not easy to lead, much less to know how or what direction will lead to success. There is a direct correlation between leading and knowing that to lead is often to know (Latin, educeo – educere and scio – scioere). There are correlations between these actions; and embraced together, these actions become the foundation of education and science.
Often the most important lessons learned are the effects of decisions made in error or what actions simply did not work. The best intentions alone will not yield positive results. This is also true of your own leadership style. Your style is emerging, morphing as your skillset is built and your opportunities to situationally lead present themselves. You are better for the experience—and take heart, in your next opportunity to lead for a change, you will be wiser.
Complete your Personal Leadership Profile matrix, and then write a brief summary of your findings.
As you prepare your analysis, consider the following elements in your documentation:
1-Analyze the effectiveness of your leadership approach used in your role as change agent or consultant to lead your team.
2-Analyze the effectiveness of your leadership style in the process improvement setting concerning an organization’s overall health.
3-Critique at least two measures of organizational effectiveness that do not seem to be positively correlated with the approach of your leadership style.
Support your brief summary paper with examples that reflect an honest appraisal of your leadership style and its effectiveness to lead your team.
Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages
References: Include a minimum of three scholarly resources within the last 5 years.