Posted: February 28th, 2022
Analysis Argumentative Essay
For this assignment, you will choose from one of the following options to write an Analytical Argumentative Essay.
What’s an Analytical Argumentative Essay? And where does it live? What does it eat? (lol)
This is an essay that is part analysis and part argument. You’ll choose a prompt (an article) that you’ll read and analyze then write an argument based on your analysis. Consider this assignment to be 50% analysis and 50% argumentative. Another way to view this assignment is that it’s an opportunity to analyze and dissect a written text in order to make a specific and pointed argument about that text and the relevance of that text to society. Or still another way to look at this assignment is to consider this your focused argument, an argument focused on and through one example (the written text) and for which you elaborate on your analysis with a couple of additional sources. So, for the analysis portion, you’ll focus on what the text shares and how it shares that information. For the argumentative portion, you’ll assert an argument about the text, support your argument with sources/research, and relate your argument to society.
What are the requirements for this assignment:
1) You determine the length of your analysis but it should conform to a traditional 5-paragraph essay model even if it’s longer than 5 paragraphs. This means that this particular essay does not have a word count requirement.
2) You will need to focus your analysis on a written text (e.g. an essay, a transcript, etc.).
3) You will need to find at least one secondary source of your choosing (e.g. this may be academic or popular, a written text or a film/video footage, etc.).
4) You will need to submit your essay by 11 pm on Wed., Nov. 20th. (Late submissions are accepted.)
5) All of the usual formatting requirements are the same (e.g. it must be formatted and cited according to MLA 8th edition guidelines, it must be submitted as an MS Word document and uploaded to Canvas, etc.).
Here are the options from which you may choose:
1) Choose a 2-page passage from transcripts from the current Impeachment Hearings of Donald Trump. We’re choosing this text because it’s a political issue that affects many people (our nation and beyond) and is timely (it’s happening now). Moreover, the issue is rare (not that many Presidents are impeached) and it’s dramatic (there are many very interesting narratives and speeches made on and about the issue).
2) Choose one of the following articles from our book:
– article #1: Jena McGregor’s “Military Women in Combat: Why Making It Official Matters,” p. 39 of FCTA
-article #2: Zachary Shemtob and David Lat’s “Executions Should Be Televised,” on p. 80 of FCTA
-article #3: Gwen Wilde’s “Why the Pledge of Allegiance Should Be Revised,” on p. 82 of FCTA
3) You may choose a 2-page passage from When They Call You a Terrorist: a Black Lives Matter Memoir (I have 2 copies of this book on reserve at the library, available for a 2-hour checkout, or you could listen to the audiobook on and focus on a passage/chapter of interest to you)
4) You may choose an alternative option but will need to let me know what that option is by no later than Monday, Nov. 18th (in class or by email before class).
Some additional resources:
1) Here’s where you can find highlights of the public impeachment inquiry from Nov. 13th:
2) Here’s where you can find a secondary source providing background information on the nature of this particular charge: LINK
3) Here’s where you can find the 6 1/2 hour video of the first day of these public impeachment hearings:
Watch: Trump Impeachment Hearings (Day 1) | NBC News