Posted: January 28th, 2022
an overview of the project essay
an overview of the project
Title: Progress Report
Task Description:
Task Description: Based on project planning activities, students are to prepare a project development report which includes:
Project: Ponytail Project is a Cancer Council Queensland fundraising initiative engaging Queensland schools to register teams and help stop cancer. Students grow their hair throughout the year, seek sponsorship from friends and family or host fundraising activities, and chop off their ponytails in October. The ponytail project is heavily female focused as long hair is mostly a female trait, for this assignment prepare a project development report with strategies which can be implemented in real life to expand the female focused project and attract a more male target audience to raise funds. The aim is to reach an even bigger audience in hopes of raising more funds to support the cancer council Queensland.
an overview of the project and it’s relevance to the organisation/industry
how the project is being approached and analysed (e.g., identify issues impacting on the problem/challenge)
a discussion of possible strategies based on evidence and research (i.e., what strategies are you using to solve the issue or challenge) and a recommendation for one priority action
expected outputs/outcomes and benefits of implementing the project
an implementation plan that matches the organisation’s / supervisor’s needs and constraints and identifies roles and responsibilities.
Report must be 1500 words and presented in Word document format using Times New Roman size 12 font and 1.5 line spacing.
Please do not use pdf format. A minimum of 20 articles from refereed journals/ Academic literature, no later than 2011. APA referencing style is to be used throughout.